New Support Group

Hey y’all!

I have started a group on Facebook that is public called “Diabetic Support Group”. If you are interested in joining, please do! I would love to have new members and new diabetic friends. I created this group on Saturday hoping I would get those I already knew to participate in fun posts and getting to know each other. That hasn’t turned out the way I thought it would! This group is public, so anyone can find it in the search bar. The cover photo is a nurse holding up a sign that says “Type 1 Diabetes” and she also is holding a purple Popsicle. All around her is an orange background with hearts!

I created the group in hopes of finding that connection between Type 1 Diabetics and those who care for loved ones with Type 1. It’s a group where you can feel safe about sharing your struggles with diabetes, your accomplishments in how you deal with the disease, and to provide your own advice for others who may need it. Have questions for members and want or need answers? Do not be afraid to create a discussion about it. We are all in this together!

I am just super excited for this group to hit off and would love to see more members! I also include those who have loved ones with diabetes and not only need answers, but can give us some advice on how their loved one deals with it. Do you like this idea? If so, please join me in my new support group and let’s encourage others to join as well. Have any questions for me now? Just comment on my post or feel free to message me personally. I would love to get to know some of y’all!

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My name is Tommy, ive been a T1DM for almost 20 years at this point. Im a nurse practitioner, and i know absolutely no one in my life that deals with the things that i have to deal with on a daily basis. I know it sounds odd, since im a health care provider–that i would have anxiety about my disease, but i do, every day. Im in constant turmoil with myself about my health and constantly worried about the worst case scenario.
I recently reached out to my diabetes providers about this and they suggested reaching out to a forum of this kind. Just writing this and seeing all the messages flowing back and forth and the support from all of you to each other makes me feel less alone.
I really hope some of us are able to connect


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Hello @tommyhop14 Tommy, welcome to TypeOneNation and the forum. I’ve had T1 for 40 years now and we have members that have been dealing with our issues decades longer so you are in the right place.

I’ve been to therapy over my anxiety because it got so bad but in all my travels I have finally learned this one thing: you can worry your life away it won’t change the outcome. You see you’ll still live the same life but the constant worry will make your time here miserable. Attitude is practically one of the only things you can control.

One of my favorite doctors said if I take care of blood sugar then I have the same chances as everyone else.

Anyway hope to see you around here and I hope you get the support you need. We’re here to help.


And sorry @hanstan Hannah, regarding the original post, I should have broken this off as a separate thread. Good luck on your Facebook page, personally I think we already have 26,000 some odd members here and we do try to talk about T1 issues and support each other.

Hey joe,
Thank you so much for reaching out.
I know my worries get the best of me…
It’s just nice to see people that deal with similar issues and are taking steps. I know I can get there. I just need to get out of my own way.

I tend to beat myself up when I have a high bg. Thinking it’s my fault and I’ve ruined my body.

I appreciate all of you for being here.

@tommyhop14. A wise lady told me to be kind to myself first. Part of the anxiety may be from confusing hating diabetes with hating yourself. It was for me. If what you are doing isn’t working then it’s time to do something else. You took the first step, now keep going. If you are going through hell, then by all means-keep going!

Joe, that’s exactly how I feel… I don’t want diabetes to ruin me. And all the great things I have in my life. It’s almost like it defines me. It’s been something I’ve been trying to push off into the background.

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Well @tommyhop14, that part is completely up to you. You cannot change how the world is, but you can change your reaction to it. That’s the secret sauce, right there.

@joe secret sauce. Yes.
Thank you! I so much appreciate you talking with me

@tommyhop14 Mr. Joe gives some great advice!! Even though I’ve taken control of my diabetes, I still have times where I feel like I’m being booted out of my own boat. It stinks, but anxiety is a part of everyone’s lives I feel like. I hope you enjoy this forum and feel free to message me anytime, if you have any questions! I’m always up for a chat.

I have been type 1 for 74 years, diagnosed in 1945. I did not have any communication with other type 1 people until I found diabetes websites in 2006. My first 61 years with diabetes were very lonely and without support. Websites like Type 1 Nation are a blessing, and so helpful to people all over the world.


Hi Hannah,
Not everyone uses Facebook because of the number of security breaches the company has had. Once security is breached, it’s difficult to regain trust. But Facebook has had multiple breaches, so many users have permanently cut ties with the company.
So, don’t feel like your idea is a failure. Great idea…you just may need to try a different platform.
In the interim, try connecting with other Type I’s on various blogs.
Good luck!

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@HappyTrailsJane You are so right and I know a few people taking a break from Facebook. I love that we have this online forum to talk about everything with anyone around the world! Thank you so much.

Richardv, I salute you! And you give me additional hope that I will continue to live a long and healthy life. I am 63 and a Type ! for 48 years. The only thing Type 1 inhibited was water sports. Now that I have a water proof pump I can swim and fish as much as I want. Control can still be a frustrating affair, but all in all, life is good.

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Hi Nancy, I used to love fishing, but I never learned to swim. I had diabetes for 62 years before I used a pump, so I really should have learned to swim.
You are right, life is good!!

Hello! I hope you all are doing well than when we last spoke. :slight_smile: