Hi everyone,
I need some help with a school issue. I currently have a war going on with my heart and my brain and I don't know which one to listen to. Here is my situation:
My daughter is 13 and in the 8th grade. She was diag Oct 2008, so we have been doing this for almost 3 years. When school started we had our 504 plan meeting which of course none of the teachers attended. The first week of school everything was OK then starting Thursday of the second week Casie started having lows (not big lows just 60's). Then the weekend we had some more and I started looking at things and thought it was the extra activity and made some minor changes. Then Monday rolls around (and excuse my language) but all hell broke loose! She has having 30's and we would get her above 80 but I was having trouble keeping her up. She was spending more time in the office than in class. So I was on the phone sometimes twice a day with her dr and diabetes educator trying to figure out what was going on. So on Friday I get a call from the school they want another 504 meeting on Tuesday.
So this is what the meeting looked like: all the teachers, principal, school nurse on one side of the table and Casie and myself on the other! After explaining what has been going on with the doctor and what we are working on (and of course the usual you need to be feeding her better and what I should be feeding her) her algebra teacher says the current process is too disruptive of her class, so I made some other suggestions for handling lows and she shot them all down. She then suggested having my daughter have a aid that would be in her classes. Now let me ask you what 13 year old is going to want an adult follow them around, not mine for sure! After assuring everyone this should be a temporary thing this discussion has been put off for 3 months. But my heart is telling me to get Casie out of that teachers class. My brain keeps telling me I am over reacting. Every instinct in my body is telling me she is going to be trouble. I mean it is too disruptive for Casie to call the office and tell them that she is low and needs help? Or that it is also too disruptive for her to get her low supplies and eat them in the class by herself? I also asked if she could text me if she was having problems, and she turned that one down too. I really wonder if the problem is having a diabetic in her class.
So what do you think am I being to protective or should I follow my gut and get her out of there?
Thanks for being her and being my sounding board!