I'm so terribly burnt out right now and I'm not quite sure why. I'm starting school monday and I'm gonna be a senior. Which I really don't want to be and I'm not sure why. I have no idea where my life is going anymore. I got yelled at by a co-worker today because I don't know what I want to study or where I want to go to school next year. It doesn't matter that I've finally gotten my A1c lower than 10. It was a 6.6 Wednesday. My accomplishment there doesn't really matter. I had finals rodeo this weekend and totally bombed it. I'm supposed to get a rodeo scholarship, but now I'm not sure that'll happen. I just want to go back to when I was little and had nothing to worry about.
Sorry about the ranting, I just need someone to vent to and you guys are the best listeners out there! :) Especially since I have no friends.
I'm so terribly burnt out right now and I'm not quite sure why. I'm starting school monday and I'm gonna be a senior. Which I really don't want to be and I'm not sure why. I have no idea where my life is going anymore. I got yelled at by a co-worker today because I don't know what I want to study or where I want to go to school next year. It doesn't matter that I've finally gotten my A1c lower than 10. It was a 6.6 Wednesday. My accomplishment there doesn't really matter. I had finals rodeo this weekend and totally bombed it. I'm supposed to get a rodeo scholarship, but now I'm not sure that'll happen. I just want to go back to when I was little and had nothing to worry about.
Sorry about the ranting, I just need someone to vent to and you guys are the best listeners out there! :) Especially since I have no friends.
Sorry to hear, Janna. Life can deal us rough patches. Last year, I quit one job and then got hired in another, only to get fired from that second job earlier this year. At certain points of our lives, I think we all find ourselves yearning for when times were simpler.
Vent as you need to during this tough time. After I got fired, I was really a huge wreck, especially the first few days after the news hit (my folks were very worried for my mental health). In time, though, I remembered that nothing in life is permanent - there's always something else out there we can try. There's a popular saying out there that's simple but has some truth: if you've never failed, you've never really tried. For my part, I'm going back to school and focusing toward getting a Master's degree so I can teach. I think that profession is much better suited for me than clerical professions. While I'm not able to attain my dream job at the moment (editor/proofreader), teaching sounds like the next best thing, so I'm going for it while I can.
As for friends: despite being "feely," I'm pretty shy, so most of my true friends are my family. I hope you have some kind of support system like family who can help get you through this period in your life, because goodness knows life is hard enough without a lack of support on top of it.
Anyway, just keep plugging on: it's all we can do in life, and it beats the alternative of giving up, I believe. :) I really think we all have something we can offer, so explore your options and keep trying things out as your life progresses. Good luck!
We're all here for you Janna. I remember feeling incredibly confused my senior year as well. I had a lot of fun in high school and wasn't ready for it to end. There's no hurry to picking out your school or choosing your career. A lot of people go through their first 2 years of college without ever declaring a major - and there's also nothing saying you have to start college right out of high school. You can go when the time is right for you.
Eventually, things will always work themselves out. Let us know if there's something we can do for you here. Personally, I think your A1C is a major accomplishment and something worth celebrating. I haven't had a 6.6 in many, many years. Nice work!
We're all here for you Janna. I remember feeling incredibly confused my senior year as well. I had a lot of fun in high school and wasn't ready for it to end. There's no hurry to picking out your school or choosing your career. A lot of people go through their first 2 years of college without ever declaring a major - and there's also nothing saying you have to start college right out of high school. You can go when the time is right for you.
Eventually, things will always work themselves out. Let us know if there's something we can do for you here. Personally, I think your A1C is a major accomplishment and something worth celebrating. I haven't had a 6.6 in many, many years. Nice work!
^ What she said about being there for you. Not so much the career thing...you see, there's not much to do in Iowa. One can major in Corn, Corn, or Corn. :P
Janna....Sounds like you had a bad day.....the next one can only get better, right? You have a lot to be proud of....you got your A1C down from 10 to 6.6!! That is awesome and you should celebrate! It's ok to not know where your future is headed. It's hard for people your age to know what they want to do for the rest of their lives....that's such a huge decision! Don't give up.....Keep your mind open and I am sure you will figure out your future! Take one day at a time!
Janna I had no Idea what to do when I entered college. College is for having fun, exploring and learning about different things. I tell my children to do what you love and everything will fall into place. If you think about it "we all wind up where we are supposed to be". Never did I every image that my daughter would be diagnosed with type 1 but I was brought here to this site talking to you. Don't sweat the small stuff or be pressured for a life track, you are young and have a lot of time to figure it out...it will come... be patient. Your biggest asset in life is your health without it everything else goes out the window. Continue to manage your diabetes the cure is coming! Keep the faith.
I went to college knowing exactly what I wanted to study (neuropsychology). I hated it. I switched to theatre, did that for a year, decided it was a waste of time. On a whim, I took a wilderness first responder class that I LOVED, which led me to taking an EMT class, which led me to my job as an EMT, and I wouldn't trade that for anything. (and it doesn't even require a degree...) Now I have one more year of school, where I getting a degree in poetry and emergency medicine - two things i had no interest in while i was in high school.
It really is about the journey. The degree you get in college doesn't mean much - as long as you get a degree in something. So take classes that sound interesting, and if they end up being interesting, you might have just developed a new passion. Also, self designed majors are a godsend.
Scholarships are stressful, and school is expensive. Don't discount student loans - they can give you the opportunity to go to the school you really want to go to, and paying them off is not the end of the world; in fact, for lots of people i know, the only reason they find jobs right out of college is because they have loans to pay off - the people without loans move back to their parent's basement and mope for two years.
Keep your head up. You're in for an exciting and stressful year - don't let it get you down! And don't discount your major accomplishments, like an A1c of 6.6! That's seriously something to brag about.
the last year of highschool is kinda scary. soon you'll be pushed out into the world. i was excited but nervous about it. it's pretty normal to feel that way, so don't worry.
don't worry Jenna. if you aren't ready to decide what you want to do, it's okay. i took two years off before going back for a quick diploma to get me a good paying job til i decide. i didn't know what i wanted to do, and at 22, i still don't. some of us are lucky to know right away and some of us need to explore a bit before we settle down.
i have plenty of friends who were pushed by family into college after high school, and one of them just spent 5years trying to get an english degree..and the school just kicked her out for flunking! she didn't want to be there, but was because her dad wanted her to be..and look where that got her! now she's taking time off to explore what she actually wants from life....5years after grading and thousands of dollars of her dad's money wasted.
That's a tough time for anyone, even without the added concern of diabetes. :( Sometimes, things are just tough, and it's good to share it like you're doing.
I'm glad you can turn to this forum. When I was your age, I found a group of people on IRC (like chat rooms) that were great friends, and it helped so much.
Something I often wish I could tell every high schooler whose social life and success aren't going the way they want: COLLEGE IS SO MUCH BETTER. You'll be able to find your niche! And you don't have to go into it knowing exactly what you want to do, either. When I advised college freshman and helped them pick out their first classes, I told them to explore everything that interests them. Figuring out what you enjoy is half the fun of college!
I know exactly how you feel when it comes to career and college choices! I keep going back and forth between teacher, and diabetes educator. I think I'll choose diabetes educator, because I know the disease well (of course) and because everyone tells me I would make an amazing counselor/therapist kinda person, which is kinda part of a diabetes educator's job. I'm glad your getting your A1C down! that's another of my biggest problems. last month, mine was 9.5%, which is the lowest it's been in the 3 years I've had diabetes. I'm sorry about your rodeo mishap, but even if you don't get that scholarship, which I'm sure you will still get, there are thousands of other scholarships out there that I'm sure you would qualify for. Just stay positive, and something good will come out of this. That's what I tell myself to keep me going. Life is tough, but having a bad attitude about it, just makes it worse. Stay in there, you'll make it. :)
Sometimes life's just hard, for no reason at all. But getting your A1C to a 6.6 is incredible and something to celebrate. So you don't get the rodeo scholarship, there is always next year. What you have is good health, something many people take for granted or are striving for. I think you had one of those bad days where it seems like nothing is going to go your way. I am also a diabetic, and I know how hard it is, and that sometimes people don't understand what you're going through or they feel sorry for you. It's not their fault, most people really don't know what to say or how to act. I know you have people like your parents and relatives who love you more than anything, and would love to be there for you if you let them. I know how you feel when you say you want to go back to when you were little, but eventually we all have to go through hardships, and make and mold us into the people we become. You are going to be so much stronger than many, because at a young age you realize what is important in life, like your health..cough 6.6 A1C cough cough. Hang in there, and keep my favorite quote in mind or on the wall like I do.. "The will of God will never take you where the grace of God will not protect you" ... there's nothing he'll give you that he know's you can't handle. :-)
Janna, ((HUGS)) to you!! You don't have to know what you are going to do with your life. Somedays we just need to one step at a time. And about friends...I have a few old highschool friends on facebook, but otherwise, my family is my life. Look forward...believe in yourself...and try to find the things in life that make you happy. That will guide you to where you need to be eventually!
Girl, senior year suucks for me too! It's soooo hard trying to make all of these decisions at one time! Where do I want to go to college? Can I afford college? What do I want to be? Aaaand then we have to deal with sports, friends, and on top of everything, diabetes! Awesome! I know exactly where you're coming from. But everything will work out. Just breath, take one step at a time, and keep moving forward. It'll get better.
It is unlikely that you will have the same career your entire life. People change because they want to or have to so don't be so hard on yourself. I still don't know what I want to be when I grow up and I am 50! Try something that interests you.