MiniMed Sure-T

I have been having issues with my quickset cannula crimping causing highs even DKA a few years back. This may be attributable to the scar tissue in my adomenom. My new NP suggested maybe using the Sure-T infusion set because the cannula is metal. Does anyone here have any experience with the Sure-T?

Medtronic made the same suggestion to me, but I have not tried them. I was supposed to get some samples, but they never showed up. I’ll be watching this topic - hope you get some answers.

For me, Medtronic infusion sets are inadequate. I’m using the Mio because it was designed to be like the Animas inset, which worked well for me. The Mio (with non-metallic cannula, 90 degree insertion) seems to fail to let insulin in after a maximum of two days which might be due to crimping; I have a lot of scar tissue also. However, the Animas Inset, also with a non-metallic, 90 degree cannula lasted four or five days with no rash or high blood sugars.

I have tried putting my infusion sets on other parts of my body such as my thighs and upper butt/hip area to avoid hitting scar tissue. I’ve found that if I insert the infusion set in my abdomen at the bottom or top of a roll of fat (I have an average BMI), the Mio fails after a few hours. It may be because the cannula crimps when I bend.

Other problems with the Mio:

The Mio does not stay stuck to me and is easily knocked off. The weak adhesive is also more irritating to my skin than the Inset. The plastic thing that attaches the tube to the body is difficult to attach - it is tricky to line up the two pieces and takes several frustrating tries before it clicks in, whereas the Animas inset clicks in easily the first try.

I have several complaints about the 670g and about Medtronics in general.

I used my abdomen for many years and have scar tissue. Medtronic suggested I try the Sure T. I didn’t like having 2 things stuck to me, I find it awkward and they tended to rip out. Sure T seemed to work somewhat better in my abdomen than the mio did, but I find I get better results using the Mio on other parts of my body instead, lower back, upper butt, etc.