Like a second nature now!

Hello everybody! I'm new to this site and I've had type one diabetes since I was 18 months old. I do have a Medtronic Pump, and I'm quite grateful! Well there's not too much else on my mind, just thought I'd say hello!

Welcome!!!! To Juvenation. You got me beat on how long. LOL


I am posting for my wife, type I since 15 and now in end stage renal failure and blind.


Hence my posting.

My wife isn't on the pump.  We do the whole humulog/lantus routine.  It's a fine line to walk as she's on peritoneal dialysis.

Hi. Pugs are cool. I have one, she's 6 years old. :) My little boy was diagnosed when he was 12 months old. He's 4 now and has the Animas Ping pump. He likes it a lot. Welcome to Juvenation.

Welcome to both Clav (and his wife) and Pugsarecool. You will both be able to find all kinds of support, information, and friendship here. This is a wonderful place to be. We are always happy to welcome new members! Juvenation has been wonderful for me, and I feel so lucky to know so many people with type 1. This is a beautiful place to be :D

Sending a  BIG WELCOME to both of you!  This is the greatest place for questions and support!  So glad you are both here!

Welcome to both of you! I have a Pekingese, so I'm fond of Pugs too, because they have the same flat faces, buggy eyes, and both snore. (:

Clav, if you look in the groups section, there are groups for family members of people w/ T1 and for complications, so those may be of interest to you or your wife if you haven't already seen them.

Hi!! :) I hope you find some really cool people to talk to on this site :) Which really shouldn't be hard