Hi All,
Just finished reading Part 1 of the article referred to in this post's Subject line (A Miracle Technology for Type 1s: Can it Be Saved) then visited the Diabetes Health web site to read Part 2 along with the comments made by Medtronic and thought I'd share the link with you folks -
If you have a free 15-30 minutes you might find what's been written extremely interesting. As I read through the article I was ready to try and generate a mass movement of all the T1s I could reach. A movement that might storm the walls of the Medtronic and/or FAA castles and attempt to burn down those missions. Thankfully Medtronic's response and reasoning provided me the necessary pause.
So, I subsequently find myself between two different trains of thought.
Number 1 - I'm extremely jealous of the folks who've experienced the transplants, regardless of the 4 times a year trip to France (that could be fun, if done correctly!). And, Number 2 - wanting to believe that Medtronics is continually working on some leading edge technological advances that will, eventually, improve all our lives.
Would love to hear thoughts from my compadres.