Hi Guys! As I posted on the forum last week, I'm trying to motivate myself to loose 10 lbs, and I hope being accountable to someone here will help me do it. I feel like I've been using D as an excuse when it doesn't need to be.
I haven't posted any updates for the weekend b/c I was frustrated w/ myself for eating tons of junk food. (Just b/c it was a rainy day, I didn't have to decide to bake! lol) But, I had a great day today. I made a healthy dinner last night and tonight. This afternoon, I walked to the shopping center for my errands rather than driving.
Good job walking to the store!! That makes a HUGE difference.
You might have read before that I have taken out my brother's dance dance revolution machine and have started working out for 15mins a day on it. I'm hoping that in 2 weeks I'll be up to 30 mins.
The best part about working out is that my sugars are already a lot better!!
So, I checked yesterday and I lost 1 lb. Not great, but moving the right way. I have to keep being more careful about what I eat. I've had some random lows the last 2 days, but I should watch more at other times.
So, I haven't done too, too much in the way of physical activity this weekend, but I've cooked some healthy dinners. Last night, I made turkey sausage, beans, and a salad. Hoping it's going well for you all!
I'm so frustrated with the return of the cold and snow on the east coast this weekend. I had finally been getting out for some good walks last week after it warmed up. Now, I'm stuck inside with the snow eating left over Chinese food. :P
I've been hiding. I've been working so hard for the last month. Then, I went to the endo yesterday and had GAINED 6 lbs. I'm so mad, I don't even want to talk about it. I sort of blame the stupid steroids I'm on for a skin condition. But, I guess I just have to start trying even harder. I've never been this overweight and it's embarrassing. Luckily, Juvenation has no video chats, lolol.
Hi Sarah,I know I always bring up dLife on here,but they always send good things to read to my email..I read one time on weight loss and they gave tips.If I can find it again,I'll try to link it.They said two things I think I remember right.One was to use a tape measure instead of bathroom scales.The other was to not think about what you can't have to eat-fill your mind with all the things you can and be creative and make new things.....I think you already do really well and do good....Now me--I really need to exercise get some weight off and to bring my stress level down.I think I make a better mom when I do...I will try again because you were home when I came to say Helloooooooo.hahaha :)
Meme ~ I totally agree about the tape measure and not the bathroom scale. I also look at how I feel - I've hit many plateaus, one right now - but I feel so much better when I exercise and eat right. Over the holidays I didn't gain any weight but didn't exercise or eat right either but by the end of the second week I felt very sluggish. And like you said exercise really does bring the stress level down. It's hard with busy schedules and winter weather to plan time to exercise but it really is worth it. And 30 minutes a day isn't too much time to take for yourself. Hope everyone keeps up the good work!!
Hi Beatriz, Good luck! I don't have any great advice on what to eat, but maybe others do. If you know you'll be exercising at the same time each day, you'll probably be able to cut your insulin back at that time to avoid lows.
I have been awful about being careful about eating carefully this past week b/c I was so frustrated w/ my lack of weight loss. But, I'm trying to get back on the bandwagon! Chicken salad for dinner!
Hang in there. You're doing a great job of knowing the "little things" you need to do. Sounds like you could use a big hug...AIR HUG!
I finally received my rowing macine/recumbent bike yesterday. Put it together last night and used it for 15 minutes today. It is everything I was hoping for!
Since I've last posted, I've lost about 5 lbs. with little exercise and little regard for my diet. I do think about what I need to do, and I believe, subconsciously, I know I need to watch what I eat. I find myself not eating as much and trying to make healthier food choices. If I go to McDonalds (or any fast food place), whatever I buy I only eat about 1/2 to 3/4 of it, instead of eating the whole thing. That really seems to have made a difference in my brain. Not only do I think about the calories I'm not eating, but I also think about the money I'm wasting which makes me desire it less (weird way of doing it, I know, but it works for me).
The next thing I'm going to do is create lists, daily. That helps me check off the things I want to pay attention to for the day and keeps me on target. It'll only be a couple of things, like "Aerobic exercise for 15 minutes" or "Eat 3 fruits today". I'm usually so scatterbrained that if I know I can focus on a few things, the more likey I will be to accomplish my mission.
Keep up the good work everybody and let me know if you need words of encouragement. It surely helps me a bunch!