Keep me motivated, please. (:

Good for you,ralfe,sounds like that could be a great work out :)

Thanks Tracey,I feel motivated just reading that :) Keep going everyone-we win just making any change in the right direction :)

It's been so long since I've been on here. I had been so frustrated --- the steroids I'm on for my skin condition seemed to make me just gain and gain and gain. So, I gave up eating totally healthy. I still eat well but I've gone back to larger portions and desert a couple times a week. I had been getting very little exercise -- only about a 20 min walk a day. So, I decided I'd try that route instead. (I don't have the motivation to focus on 2 things at once, lol) I've worked out everyday for the last 5 or 6 weeks, only missing 3 days (worked late twice and bad cold once). While my son naps, I've been doing these kickboxing videos, yoga and occasionally using my husband's wii. I'm extremely proud of myself for sticking with it, but I only lost 1 lb in all that time.

Then, I've had a turn around this week. I had been doing energy work (reike, meditation) for a couple of months and then added in the yoga. Well, it actually seemed to help my rash b/c it's getting better. So, last week, my dermatologist reduced the steroids slightly. My finger nails are stronger, but my toenails are still weak from the disease, so she also put me on this B vitamin supplement called biotin to help the nails. It turns out, it's supposed to increase your metabolism as well. So, I'm finally seeing a difference -- lost another pound and tummy looks slightly flatter.

Sorry for the novel, but I'm so excited. I feel like the changes in medication were key for me, but if I hadn't been working out, I wouldn't have started to make progress too -- maybe just stayed the same. I hope you all are doing well!!


P.S. Ralfe, I can't believe you can order fast food and only eat part of it! I'm very impressed. Sadly, if it's in front of me, I'll usually eat it. ):

Good for you Sarah and Ralfe and eveyone else--we are all winners because we try :)  Ralfe ,I am like Sarah ,if I buy fast food it is hard not to eat it all..but I have a back-up plan for help...I eat and the minute I know I am full-I will throw the rest out the door to my big outdoor temptation after that-foods gone, I know my vet would not be happy about this but sorry-my dog seems happy...I really have stopped eating out at any fast food place..I don't even crave fries and any of it anymore..I go for a salad -grilled things etc when I do go there... My problem is lack of exercise and the motivation...and eating too much at home...well it's a goal to do better and I will try again..Keep up the good work everyone :)


I've got the same tendancy not to want to I don't. I got myself into the habit of thinking really REALLY hard about exercising and would become so mentally exhausted, I would just lay down and watch TV or take a nap. I KNOW my lack of exercise is  what's keeping me going up the scale instead of down.

I've been trying to focus on smaller meals and a more regular eating schedule. I've been terrible about eating anything for breakfast.( I've started having some cheese and applesauce in the a.m. at my desk at work, but today I was running late and didn't get to.) Then, when lunch rolls around I'm hungry and my portion sizes go to h*ll! So, I need a slap in the head every morning before I go to work to remind me to open mouth, insert food. Think there's a iPhone app for that?

Anyway, since the weather is finally turning somewhat human-friendly again, I've vowed to walk more, and possibly even get on my home elliptical again. So far, I've taken one fairly moderate walk with the dogs. (sigh) I REALLY need a kick to get me off my arse and into my walking shoes !!

So, here I am. I'll keep at it if you do.


Janie...We need a plan,ha :)  Now what could that plan be ???  The walk with the dog is great and makes a happy dog :)


We could start a forum topic like  "What was your last blood sugar?" , but name it something like "What did you do for exercise today?" Then we could report on our heroic efforts to spend more time on our feet and less time on the couch. (We could also amuse each other with our lack of movement in any given day, like "walked to the bathroom three times today, really really fast") Whatever it is, we're still adding a little more accountability to our efforts, and that's supposed to help, right? Plus it wouldn't feel so much like we're going it alone.

And if we don't lose any weight from it, well then, so be it. At least the dogs will get a few more walks...

I like that :) Good Idea...Start that post  and I'm there ,ha...;0

hi Janie, when are you going to post 'What did you do for exercise today?" I like could post it in the forums where more people might join in or here.The gangs still here looking for motivation...doing pretty good from what I'm reading :) Me..well I 'm waiting on your post..... :)


I started a forum topic today. So no more excuses (darnit!) excuse is that I lost your post ,ha :)  If you post one over here too,I'll try not to use the same excuse next time :) How are things going your way ?

Well, I've gotten more walking time in, but not enough. I read an article on interval training the other day. I intentionlly started my grocery shopping on the wrong side of the super walmart so I had to walk all the way across the store twice to get my stuff and then get out. Let's see...what else...? I went out and looked at my yard and decided to put it off another week. (Now it's supposed to rain for the next four days...guess it'll have to wait.)

I guess you could say I'm still in the "raising awareness" stage of things...

Yay!! Lost 3 pounds!

My BF and I take two walks a day, some days 3. AND I just got my bike back and finally got my new bright green cork grips on it and just took the sweetest smoothest ride in the rain that you could ever wish with for. Next i'm going to spray paint my helmet to make it look a little bit cooler and brighter for riding. I'm thinking of making it pearlesant and green. Accessorizing makes me want to exercise. lol.

I also got my A1C back and it spiked up about .5 points to 7.9  but my doctor is so cute and when he sent me a letter about it with new correction doses he wrote "opportunity for improvement."

I've been thinking about language a lot lately and I really love that he wrote it that way. He is a very good doctor, I'm glad I drive 52 miles to see him. I've also been trying to make things easier on myself by thinking about influencing my diabetes over controlling it. I feel just about easier about it. like i can influence things, I do all the time. control? I really can't control much of anything, no one can. so thinking that i can influence my diabetes make me feel like i have so much more to offer to my care.

Just my thoughts of the day. =)