Its amazing how much diabetes we accumulate

LOL - Keith - you did not even mention that the butter shelf of your fridge has no butter but is only full of insulin! (I know that is not just ours). :)

One year in, I am pleased with my organization of my sons supplies - 2 shelfs in the kitchen cabinet that used to be our liquor cabinet (much to my husband's chagrin when he has to truck it down to the basement for some cocktail mixin's.) 2 boxes in the basement - one with pump supplies and one with supplies I am not sure we will ever use (again). When I open a box of new infusion sets, I bag them all into kits with infusion set, pump tube, insulin cartridge and needed wipes/preps (all in ziploc sandwich bags) and then only those go in the kitchen cabinet.

I also have the nuclear war kit. Though I have been then thinking about a second stored at my MIL's house.

Sooooo funny - I did forget the butter shelf of the fridge. No butter or eggs - just insulin. 

[quote user="Keith"]

Sooooo funny - I did forget the butter shelf of the fridge. No butter or eggs - just insulin. 


mine has butter and insulin lol

I tried that and when I went for the butter the insulin (Lantus bottle) and the Glucogon pen would fall out so I made that diabetes only. Used my handy label maker to mark and although its very pretty and well maked sometimes butter / or creme cheese gets caught there.