Ipod touch

i got an ipod touch!

but, i decided i would log on and i got on without problem but when i went to respond to some stuff, i couldnt type anything.

is anyone else having this problem? is there a juvenation app?

No clue I have not tried to get on here with my itouch. I will try later tonight and see if I can or not.

Yeah, I have the same problem. I think there should be a juvenation that works with mobile. You know, like there's a website for Facebook just for phones/iPod Touch.

I fing the apps for facebook for the itouch lame you cant get everywhere with it. I use safari to get into facebook from mine but yeah it doesnt work here. I did try the other night and forgot to post about it.

[quote user="Jessica "]

I fing the apps for facebook for the itouch lame you cant get everywhere with it. I use safari to get into facebook from mine but yeah it doesnt work here. I did try the other night and forgot to post about it.


Yeah, I never use the app for Facebook. I just go into safari like you and use the site there.