Anyone have good ideas for making shots easier to handle. My 9 year old is starting to self administer, and often does great, but occasionally has difficulty, nearly poking the needle through the skin then backing out, it looks very painful, then he begins to get upset. We try to get him to calm down, even if it means walking away for a couple of minutes. Any practical ideas to reduce pain?
Fifty50 sells a shotblocker - I would certainly spend $7 if it was worth a chance. What about a numbing spray like Dermoplast? Amazon sells an item similar to shotblocker called Buzzy - sounds like it involves coolness, pressure AND a small vibration rather than just a plastic pressure with shotblocker. However, at 30+ I don't want to waste on a useless gadget - if it made a difference, for others, though, I would strongly consider.
Any other thoughts? I hate to see him discouraged. I know it all stinks, and I know sometimes this is just him FEELING the frustration and discouragement, but want to do anything I can…
Thank you for any thoughts.
Katie, Mom of Timmy, 9, diagnosed over Memorial Day 2014