My 4 year old daughter was diagnosed a little over a month ago. She's very young, she just turned 4 this week. We're really struggling with the shots, most of the time. I've tried to be firm, I've tried to explain, I've tried to distract. Currently she will only accept shots in her thighs, because she says she has to see it. It's world war III four times a day, and it's just miserable for everyone involved from my daughter, to my husband, even our younger daughter is clearly off, and well of course I am no fan of the way it's going.
When we first brought her home from the hospital I figured out it was the anticipation that really bothered her so I learned to get her doing something else while I prepared the shot. This worked great, and she was wonderful about taking them. Then she hit her honeymoon and had a stomach bug that prevented her from eating almost anything, and with several lows she got very few shots. It's like she now thinks she shouldn't need them or something.
I'm just wondering how others have dealt with this, and if anyone has any advice on any tricks to help us. I expect at some point we will look at the pump but we are definitely not ready for that at this time.
Thank you so much!