I just realized I'm not a kid anymore! :)

I wasn't lumping anyone together, just randomly naming some of my old faves. I left Korn off my list! Dude, where have they been lately? My husband usually controls the car radio and he mostly plays CDs, or turns on talk shows when it's morning. I am so out of touch!

Bush is one of my all time favorite bands :) They are in my top Eight to be exact. The other seven are Lifehouse, Live, Tool, Silverchair, Counting Crows, System of a Down, and most recently to make it Rise Against (who I learned about from a friend on this site).

I  liked Nsync too especially the second album. I have a lot of good memories with my best friend to that cd. He and I went to the store so early that morning to buy it. We danced around for hours afterward. It was great :)

Awesome top 8 Happy Vegan. I can't believe I forgot these guys: PEARL JAM! A few more are Linkin Park, Hoobastank, Eve 6 (kinda), The Offspring, Greenday of course. I liked Sugar Ray more when they softened up a bit. I also liked Blink 182 and Alien Ant Farm 'cause I like their since of humor.

I went totally boy band crazy. I liked them all and got all the albums, including the Christmas ones. I only ever made it to N Sync's concert. For a 14yr old the chair routine was, whew!

For the past 5 or so years I've gone almost pure country. Josh Turner's voice makes me tingle.

HELL YES I KNOW WHO ED (i'm not even going to attempt his last name) IS!! me love live! did you hear me? I LOVE LIVE! :D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D

Please stop drooling over my Boyfriend :D In my house Ed is known as Mr. Sexy #2 ha ha. I have all of their albums, the rares, the live live ha ha, and the dvd. I am too obsessed. They put on an amazing concert too.

that's how i am with o.a.r. :o) i will stop drooling. you can have your boyfriend back. :o)

thanks ha ha I'm not familiar w/ them or him...

they aren't too mainstream (at least not yet... i've heard them on the radio recently). they've been around quite awhile. they're a band (not just a person). it stands for 'of a revolution'. i've got all their stuff except for their most recent live cd/dvd. i have been disappointed in their last couple cds because they seem to be selling out to me (going for the more produced, mainstreamy type of music and less their original, acoustic music). however, that didn't stop me from purchasing them, obsessively listening to them, and memorizing every word ;o)

ha ha ha right on. I will have to check them out.

My all time favorite song is "Black Hole Sun" by Soundgarden.

now that song is stuck in my head

[quote user="Trish"]

My all time favorite song is "Black Hole Sun" by Soundgarden.


My favorite Soundgarden song is The Day I Tried To Live

My favorite song changes depending on my mood(s). But for the last couple weeks it has been "Calling You" by Blue October.

Don't tell anyone I said this, but it's a cute song...(youtube link below)


I have a confession: I'm a junkie for cheesy musicals. I mean everything from Grease to Highschool Musical to Mama Mia. I like a lot of musicals, but sadly I've never seen one live, only on the big screen or DVD. My favorite right now is Sweeney Todd. I want to marry Johnny Depp. He's THE BEST performer. There is nothing the man can't do!


I love musicals! My favorites are Buffy The Vampire Slayer: Once More with Feeling, Fiddler on the Roof, Mary Poppins, Evita, Grease, Chicago, Little Shop of Horrors, Xanadu, The Wizard of Oz, and Rocky Horror Picture Show. Oh and anything with Dorris Day!

I haven't seen the Musical Sweeney Todd but I do have the original Sweeney Todd movie from the 30's. Great film (actually it is boring, but I like old boring movies).

In 1999 and 2000 I pretty much went to Rocky Horror every weekend.

[quote user="Pat"]

My favorite song changes depending on my mood(s). But for the last couple weeks it has been "Calling You" by Blue October.

Don't tell anyone I said this, but it's a cute song...(youtube link below)



Pat I love the song. Too catchy. I'm going to get some of their stuff real soon :)

I've never seen the old Sweeney Todd, but I can tell you that I didn't find anything boring about the one I have!

I'm hoping to see Phantom Of The Opera when it comes to Orlando. I have the movie and from what I hear it stays very true to the broadway play. My favorite song in it is The Point Of No Return.

I have never seen Phantom. My husband saw it years ago and enjoyed it very much.

;alakdgj;adlgjas;dlf. phantom of the opera is amazing. so is les miserables. i can't even describe the amazingness.

i'm a musical junkie. i helped choreograph our musicals in high school and did show choir as well (competitve singing/dancing). i love watching musicals live. when i was in high school, that's what i wanted to do for my job. i've abandoned that dream now (only because i found something better), but i'll admit whenever i see a musical i still imagine myself being the female lead.

if i could ever perform in a musical, i would be mary in jesus christ superstar.

never performed in any, but when I was in chorus in high school, our spring concert was all musical songs...favorite was "Somewhere" from West Side Story. Or "Seasons of Love."

/back to pretending I'm a tough rugby player haha