I met this woman at a traditional Irish dinner last night who told me she was a "hypoglycemic."
Now, I've heard people claim this before, but I'm pretty sure it isn't a real thing. I mean, what? Does her body make too much insulin? Anyone, ANYONE who doesn't eat is going to have a drop in sugar and maybe feel faint or confused. What's different about being a hypoglycemic?
She told me that when she's hypoglycemic, she's "retarded." I know, not cool to use that word. But that's what she said. I was kinda like, ok, that sounds like low blood sugar.
But then she told me that she had taken "a lot of blood tests" before and the hypoglycemia didn't "show up" on them. But then, she said, she had a fasting glucose overnight and they tested her, and then they gave her some sort of sugar drink and she said that that caused her to "freak out" and get dizzy, and that's how they knew she was hypoglycemic.
Is it just me, or does that make no sense whatsoever?
I tried to explain to her that a sugary liquid would effectively "cure" her hypoglycemia, not make her "freak out." But she just looked at me blankly, like so many people do so often when they just DON'T GET IT (but believe they do).
I asked her what, exactly, it means for her to be "hypoglycemic." She said, "Diabetics, when they drink juice, that, like, makes them spring to life! But for me, juice, like, destroys me."
Ummmmm... that doesn't make any sense. At all. I told her that if I drank juice right now, it would make my sugar go through the roof. I would have to inject insulin to counter-act it. She said, "Exactly! You have insulin so that the juice won't destroy you."
Ay ay ay. What's the point of trying with some people?
But seriously, folks, is hypoglycemia even a real condition? Does anyone have any information to offer about it?