Chugging sugar for lows :]

so i was at my grandparents' house and had a low blood sugar. i took out one of those nifty cans of apple juice and downed it in about two seconds. in the meantime my grandfather was staring at me like i was some kind of creature. has anyone else developed this strange ability to basically open your throat and let the juice pour in?


I had a really terrible insulin reaction in the back seat of a car with friends who used to lecture me about my diet (in complete ignorance of facts). I came to having done that whole "guzzle/inhale" liquid trick. The first thing I remember was one of my friends saying, "Wow. I've never seen anyone drink a two liter in one breath like that."

What's really funny is the next time I went over to these two people's house, they showed me a giant jug of Gatorade that looked like a miniature water buffalo. It was hilarious.

Haha, yep that sounds familiar. I think the funniest part for me is seeing the look on peoples' faces when i do it.

I have amazed myself at how fast I can slam a Pepsi or bottle of juice while I am low. My husband finds it impressive at times :) What I find even funnier is when I get those low blood sugar munchies and attempt to eat everything in the house. Doesn't happen often, but I have been caught in the late night making pancakes, egss and bacon while drinking juice. I tell my husband it is just a diabetic thing he will never understand.

See, I thought that these kind of thigs were just my traits. but maybe its something that we all have in common.   :]

I consume juice rather fast when low too.  I am shaking and nervous, which adds to me rushing.

I  have had my share of reactions over 36 years of being diabetic and I can tell you stories. My sugar dropped to 29 at work and i could not get enough sugar in me and when I did I puked from taking too mcuh soda and candy. I was too impatient to wait till it came up.[quote user="Jenna McMane"]

so i was at my grandparents' house and had a low blood sugar. i took out one of those nifty cans of apple juice and downed it in about two seconds. in the meantime my grandfather was staring at me like i was some kind of creature. has anyone else developed this strange ability to basically open your throat and let the juice pour in?

[/quote][quote user="Jenna McMane"]

so i was at my grandparents' house and had a low blood sugar. i took out one of those nifty cans of apple juice and downed it in about two seconds. in the meantime my grandfather was staring at me like i was some kind of creature. has anyone else developed this strange ability to basically open your throat and let the juice pour in?


I can chug a 2 liter in less than 2 minuets. My mom and dad were standing there with their mouths hanging wide open. They were like where did you learn to do that? I laugh about it now but when i did it I was just like out of it.

Yeah whenever I'm low in the middle of the night it takes me 2 seconds to chug a whole juice box.

But it's not only with juice, it's with everything. When I'm high, I always drink a lot. Whenever I have ketones, I fill my 32 oz water bottle and drink it in literally a half hour!!

Yeah, when i'm high, my friends make fun of me for how quickly I can down a glass of water, fill it up, and down a second, fill it again, and sip on it. Being high is so awful.

When I'm low, I get extremely hungry and find that I will eat anything in site, especially if it's candy.   I just keep going, even after I've eaten the alloted amount of sugar to bring my number back up.  The problem is that I habitually never wait the 15 minutes it takes for the sugar to hit your blood stream, so I ultimately end up making my go high because I just don't stop.  I've never done this "chugging" thing, but I have been known in swallow ungodly amounts of candy (especially M&M's) in record times!

     Slowing down is easier said than done when your body is in panic mode.  Trying to survive is a little more important than being completely rational.  Adjustments for overdosing on sugar can be made after I feel a little more normal.  I'm glad that it doesn't happen all that often for me.