Homemade Gingerbread

Hey guys, I've never had to carb count for Gingerbread before(mainly cuz this is my second year carb counting and I don't think I ate any last year that wasn't pre-packaged from the store)...and I'm going to my friends to decorate gingerbread men and houses with a group of us tonight.

How many carbs do you roughly estimate usually in a homemade gingerbread cookie that's a regular cut-out size? (not the huge ones) Or how do you determine the carbs? I'm pretty sure I won't be able to figure it out from the receipe my friend is going to use today since he's making it from scratch..

The recipes I've seen for gingerbread cookies vary between 15 and 20 carbs per cookie.  You could start with that estimation, and then TEST, TEST, TEST!!!

Oh, and don't forget to send me some of the finished product!  LOL  Have fun!

awesome :) i would've assumed like 40g per cookie! haha i'll start with 20g and see what happens :)


i'll do my best to get some in the mail to you hehe

I realize it's too late, and you didn't have the recipe, but I love this recipe analyzer:


and think everyone should know about it. i may post about it too often...

Hope they were delicious!

I dont think I would've been able to use that last night..but it is good for the future when i bake myself!


i ended up going really high before bed..cuz i only gave myself enough to cover the one cookie i ate, some candy adn the wine...and didnt think abou tit when i continued to eat the candy and drink another two glasses of wine....by the time i got home i was 26...whoops!

oh well, it's the holidays..

We will give you a pass for the holidays LOL.

The W.A.G method works sometimes and other times it doesn't. Diabetes ugh!!

[quote user="Gina"]

We will give you a pass for the holidays LOL.

The W.A.G method works sometimes and other times it doesn't. Diabetes ugh!!


haha i appreciate the pass!

Can I get one too?