How many carbs?

How many carbs were in the last food you ate? 

55 :) Noodles.  Eyuck.

42 at dinner. A sandwich and a cookie cause i was at 70

59 in my Subway sandwich. 

I'm jealous. You both got good stuff.

I usually protest the noodles bit and microwave a Lean Pocket or something. But my mom began her response, when I asked what was for dinner, with Your father requested... in an angry tone. Hense the death of my protest.

35 Oatmeal Raisin Cookie.... Yumm.

I love noodles! which is probably not good cuz there so high carb...but totally worth it!

I had 46 carbs in dessert :D

24, two slices of bread

I have Pizza about 5 times in a year.  Tonight I ate pizza!  About 65 carbs! I am in a state, packing etc and didn't want to cook. I feel totally guilty fessing up to this, but I had to!  I think if I were Catholic I would have to run to confession when I ate carby foods!

[quote user="Kate"]

I have Pizza about 5 times in a year.  Tonight I ate pizza!  About 65 carbs! I am in a state, packing etc and didn't want to cook. I feel totally guilty fessing up to this, but I had to!  I think if I were Catholic I would have to run to confession when I ate carby foods!


oh i eat pizza all the time! so please don't feel guilty! ?

last thing I ate... 45 carbs

Too many.  I still haven't figured out how to enter that in my pump yet!  lol

18 carbs for a mandarine orange fruit cup.

16- sugar-free cookies!! :]


145g - gluten-free noodles, milk, corn

187 carbs all day total :) I am getting good at this

probably like 10 carbs in two pieces of dark chocolate :)

25 carbs- 1 cup of oatmeal