Hey guys

I'm heading to my endo tomorrow morning for my six month checkup.  I hate going to see him.  I am in control and my A1Cs have always been lower than 7, but I still get very anxious and nervous about going.  Having diabetes for 18 years, I'm always dreading getting the lab results that shows something terrible.  I always think, is this the time I find out my kidneys are starting to stop working?  Will this be the time when I learn I have nerve problems or eye problems?  I was just recently diagnosed with gastroparesis, another lovely complication of this disease, so now I get even MORE worried. I already have white coat syndrome.  Everytime I go to a doc, whehter it's my endo or my family (who I played softball with for three years), I get so nervous, my blood pressure is usually high.  THen I have to explain to the nurses that I have a doctor phobia and that I check my BP at home and it is fine there.  I absolutely DREAD going to the endo?   Does anybody else out there have these worries?  Does anyone have any suggestions to ease this stress?

The Cubbies finally won a game today!!