Hair loss at diagnosis

It can be common for type 1 diabetics to also have thyroid issues, which can contribute to hair loss. I have Hashimotos in addition to type 1 and take medication for it. It’s worth having a chat with your endo about it! They could check your thyroid levels with a simple blood test and see if that is contributing to hair loss.

I didn’t know about the DKA/hair loss connection but I do know that stress of any kind can cause hair loss for some people. My daughter was dx’d 2 months ago and while she hasn’t experienced hair loss, I HAVE! It happened when my father died a few years ago too. Took about 3-4 month to cycle through loss and regrowth.

I lost a lot of my hair around diagnosis but once I got my body regulated on insulin it all grew back in beautifully,. Hair grows slow especially when u want it to but it will get there, just give it time.

My son didn’t experience hair loss, he lost his fingernails. They just peeled off. I was panicking. His Dr said it was because of the stress and put him on a vitamin with vitamin B12. It helped a lot. I don’t know if that is a similar problem or not but adding a chewable vitamin can’t hurt. He took one childrens vitamin once a day. Hope this helps