Got issues

like english language love has so many exceptions

there ya go

if someone says "I love you except..." or "i love you if..." then they probably aren't worth your time.

"i love you..just not like that" bahaha. love stinks (yeah yeah)

Glad to have only had my heart broken twice in my 24 years. The key is avoiding those situations.

pat's not bitter.

[quote user="C"]

pat's not bitter.


who me? of course not... :P

well it hurt of course but like im back on my feet and like the this new girl lindsey i want to get to know her but idk now how its like i lost everything after the break up

fred, you're 17. she's 15. and you live in different states. you never met her. you couldn't have possibly lost much. don't be creepy.

I was always the dumper not the dumpee. Except for one, but I had already met my husband and can't really say it broke my heart. ( I stayed faithful to the boyfriend.) Besides, I saw it coming.

ya ur right i guess i like the idea of us and some one that was diabetic

ya ur right i guess i like the idea of us and some one that was diabetic