Ya'll are so great.
aw shucks you're pretty swell yourself
[quote user="ajax"]
Ya'll are so great.
Aw aww! The feeling is mutual, I'm pretty sure. :)
I love your picture. It always makes me smile. You are pretty cool as well.
{{{{{GROUP HUG!!!}}}}}}
well i thought it was a little early in our relationship, but okay... i love you too.
Ahhhhhhh, Thanks you're pretty great yourself!!!
Well, I was going to ask out this girl I like...but I'll settle for you, I guess.
i love you too!!!!
shhh, don't tell my husband about us though...
I....really like you too...
The feeling's mutual. Will you all be my Valentine?
I think I have a crush on ajax's cartoon avatar.
Glad to know it's not just me Kim, however it is still creepy and all.
I love me too! Wait...I love you all too (only in a friendly way, not romantic, although there could be exceptions ;) ). We all sound like hippies on this forum. Peace and Love eh!
Peace, love, and test strips, maaaaan.