Sometimes it just annoys me that when my bgs are high i have to wait to eat, its not like im so hungry i can't wait or something, its just a bit frustrating from time to time, and i wish these things that seem like simple little hassles, would just go away!
Sometimes it just annoys me that when my bgs are high i have to wait to eat, its not like im so hungry i can't wait or something, its just a bit frustrating from time to time, and i wish these things that seem like simple little hassles, would just go away!
Does anyone else ever feel like this? :)
Yes, I do. Another for me is almost biting into something good and then remembering "Oh, yea I have to do insulin before I eat" Yep, Club 1 so much fun. LOL
Yes that annoys me too.....or when I am low and I don't want to eat or have to eat sugar tabs,which are disgusting.....And sometimes my husband has to remind me that I am diabetic and that I need to take insulin to cover before I eat!!!
Yes little things like this definitely bother me! And I completely agree with Angela-I hate when my blood sugar is low and I have to eat something--even if it is just glucose tablets
I'm totally with you on how annoying it is to wait! I especially hate when I have to wait for breakfast. I like to eat within 30 min of waking up or my stomach starts to hurt. Sometimes those highs won't let me though!
Yeah, i'm glad i got good responses on this one, and im not the only one haha...
Well, for me i'd have to say its the worst when i want to eat something and then go to bed, but instead i have to wait, and when i'm exhausted, i get pretty annoyed!
Well its news to me you are suppose to wait to eat when your high. Why is that? I just to the correction and cover the meal all in one injection for Ri.
Glad to hear I am not the only T1 that doesn't like to wait to eat. If it is really high I will wait for the correction does to bring it down before sending it back up again with more food. And there have been a few times when it has been low and I don't want to eat but have to eat. I especially hate when this happens right before bedtime.
I was having an issue with doing my insulin and then waiting too long to eat, which caused my blood sugar to crash. My endo suggested correcting with more insulin and eating right away. I didn't feel well when I did that, so I found just giving myself 1-2 units (not over correcting) extra and waiting 1 hour worked better.
Hello everyone!! Sometimes I wait if it high and sometimes I don't. It depends on the last time I ate and how hungry I am. If it's in the 200's and I'm starving then I'll eat. If it happens to get in the 300's then I really don't want anything and just feel plain yuckie so I drink water or cold unsweetened tea.
Oh yes, everytime- honestly, I probably wait 50% of the time and the othe 50%, I just am too hungry, but like another post listed, when it is in the 300's I do usually wait honestly like 90% of the time for about an hour (just my own thing- not what a doctor told me to do) because when I am super high like in the 300's I would just feel too sick to eat or know I will feel sick and it helps with the self control.
BUT, the hardest thing ever is when my 9 year old daughter wants to eat and her bloodsugar is high-(me and my daughter are both type 1's) and I ask her to wait and she gets sad tears in her eyes and angry and frustrated about it at the same time- I constantly have to weigh the health risks with the psychological risks that a 9 year old has to endure with this disease- so most of the time I don't make her wait and just have her give a correction on her pump and then eat- (but never if she is in the mid 300's or higher- then we for sure wait, even if she crys- which she will do and run into her room- because I can't risk ketoacidosis with such a young fragile body)
It is so stressful- I am not trying to teach her bad habits- but just be realistic and teach her to be realistic about managing this disease- I beat myself up for years trying to be the "perfect" diabetic and that is a heavy psychological thing to live under.
So, I guess I am trying to say to be healthy- try to do the best you can- don't get sloppy about it- but also don't beat yourself up about it when you don't wait.
I dont know whats worse.. waiting to eat b/c your high or eating when you dont want to when your low. I hate when you run low after you just ate a meal and the last thing you want to do is eat more.
Hello everyone!! Sometimes I wait if it high and sometimes I don't. It depends on the last time I ate and how hungry I am. If it's in the 200's and I'm starving then I'll eat. If it happens to get in the 300's then I really don't want anything and just feel plain yuckie so I drink water or cold unsweetened tea.
well, Yeahh. if im in the 200s i dont really wait as long as i should... i cheat a bit!
BUT, the hardest thing ever is when my 9 year old daughter wants to eat and her bloodsugar is high-(me and my daughter are both type 1's) and I ask her to wait and she gets sad tears in her eyes and angry and frustrated about it at the same time- I constantly have to weigh the health risks with the psychological risks that a 9 year old has to endure with this disease- so most of the time I don't make her wait and just have her give a correction on her pump and then eat- (but never if she is in the mid 300's or higher- then we for sure wait, even if she crys- which she will do and run into her room- because I can't risk ketoacidosis with such a young fragile body)
i'm 15 & i still have the same reaction as ur daughter :) , when my mom forces me to eat!
I swear the next time someone tells me my daughter can live a normal life I might punch them. They are so full of it. Waiting a hour to eat or making her wait because her numbers are high is not normal. I think that line is the biggest crock of you know what. Nothing about becoming diabetic is normal. Nothing about having to live with it is normal. Everything in her life is different because of diabetes grr. Sorry makes me angry sometimes still. I wish people would just be real about it. Tell me its going to suck and yeah she could live a happy life and it will become normal to have to deal with this day in and day out but dont tell me she will live a normal life.
I just correct her and give her insulin for her meal at the same time. Normally if I am giving her 7+ units at a time she comes down really well. Some times to well when its at dinner time cause it puts her on the lower end of normal for bed time.