when watching Man vs. Food and they show all the food he is going to eat think, "gee, that's gonna really put a work out on his pancreas?"
Just wondering.
when watching Man vs. Food and they show all the food he is going to eat think, "gee, that's gonna really put a work out on his pancreas?"
Just wondering.
i'm completely amazed that guy is still alive. i'm waiting for the episode where he drops dead because his body can't handle the ridiculous amounts of food he shoves in it. i'm also waiting for the episode when he projectile vomits everywhere. it's bound to happen...
[quote user="C"]
i'm completely amazed that guy is still alive. i'm waiting for the episode where he drops dead because his body can't handle the ridiculous amounts of food he shoves in it. i'm also waiting for the episode when he projectile vomits everywhere. it's bound to happen...
He's trading his health for 15 minutes of fame.
yes definitely. his show grosses me out to be completely honest.
I'm waiting for his stomach too stretch soo far that it finally explodes inside of him =[ Its really gross watching him devour that much food.
I'm waiting for his stomach too stretch soo far that it finally explodes inside of him =[ Its really gross watching him devour that much food.
When he is on the road he works out 2 hours a day. He has said its funny it took this show to get him to take his health seriously. According to his doctors he is healthier now than before he started the show.
Ha... yeah. My husband likes that show, and I just can't watch it. Can't do it. Blech.
He has put on at least 50 pounds since the show started though. At least it sure looks that way to me.,
My wife likes the show so I usually end up watching it with her. I like seeing the food from and all the restaurants. But the pig out thing is gross.
[quote user="DDrumminMan"]
He has put on at least 50 pounds since the show started though. At least it sure looks that way to me.,
My wife likes the show so I usually end up watching it with her. I like seeing the food from and all the restaurants. But the pig out thing is gross.
at least 50 he has put on...that episode last night or the night before with the Italian food, he ate 6 pounds out of 7...that was maybe the worst totals i have ever seen him eat, well besides that cheese sandwich...
Type 2 will be setting in any day now...
That shows exemplifies everything that is wrong with the American diet and nothing that is right with it. The show is a disgrace.
Sorry if I offend anyone but one might as watch a car accident the way that guy eats.
to me that is just gross i dont get it all i think is he is trading his health for fame that is just gross no point to that show & what terry says is right he will be a type 2 any day now.
A little off topic, I always laugh about a hypothetical conversation he may have with his future father-in-law someday.
So you want to marry my daughter?
Yes sir.
And what is it you do again?
Bahahahahahaha! Yes!!
I saw his Las Vegas episode where he went to a place called Hash House A Go Go. My wife and I went and ordered what he ordered. We shared the one plate and still had left overs. He ate the whole thing himself. YUCK!