Doc Recommendations

Hello all,
How can I get recommendations on doctors from other T1Ds in my area? I guess I’m asking how to narrow things down in a fourm format. I live in Chicago but am close to the suburbs of Skokie and Niles. T1D for 35 years. Really want a PCP that will also handle diabetic scrips and needs without going to an Endo every 3 months during a pandemic(my current insists on in person) and I am breaking up with my now former PCP who refused to write scrips for diabetes(not kidding). Any advice is appreciated!

Forgot to mention-I avoid FB at all costs.


hi @Rachoze welcome to Type One Nation. HA! FB. I agree, but sometimes it might be helpful in small doses… We try to generally avoid naming names on the forum, because it can be searched and comments both good and bad here, could carry liability.

I find doctors through referrals and they tend to have their own networks. Now I haven’t moved very far though in the last 40 years and I bet that is a bigger challenge when you move out of state…

anyway I think if you get in touch with the JDRF nearest where you live (JDRF Illinois) here and use the “contact us” information at the bottom, maybe there is something useful to you there.

I spent many an afternoon at O’Hare when I was working on my project in Rockford, and I hope it’s not too cold for you! Cheers and good luck.

Hey Joe! Thanks so much for the input. Very good point about not naming names in this format. I have emailed JDRF IL for advice.
And Chicago right now…absolutely frigid with 10 more days of it to come. We had been so lucky with weather until now so way overdue. At least the sun is shinning and there’s a Super Bowl to watch. Cheers!

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In my insurance plan endo’s get more money per office visit than PCP’s. Try to find a decent endo who will also talk to you about things other than sugar.

I’ve had PCPs that were very involved, but I don’t know that they would have been willing to write scrips that feel under a specialist. I can understand their reluctance although things may be different now with COVID. If they are willing they might still want to see you in office for a while to keep track.
Thankfully my endo has been doing phone or video visits (patient’s choice).
Wishing you the best in your search…

Hi Rachael @Rachoze , one way to go about your search, may be to begin with your insurance carriers webpage on the link entitled something like “Find a Provider”, narrow this down to PCP or whatever the classification your plan uses. From this list, interview the providers and ask - you may get this information from one of the front-line staff.

The PCP I see will write prescriptions for medicines he knows have been prescribed for me by some of the specialists I see because I make certain that he has my complete medical history. Yes, even while I was transitioning endocrinologists, he authorized renewal of “diabetes supply” stuff. Not all doctors will do this.


Thanks to all for your responses. Excellent input and much appreciated.
In retrospect I should have simply said “can an Internist also be a certified Endo?”. Ha.
I do appreciate a good one and also tend to enjoy some laughs thinking about the not so good over the years as well. Memories to last a lifetime!
Peace and health-Rachael

Hi Rachael! We share the same name/spelling and almost the same length with Type 1 - I’m at 33 years. ;). Anyway, back in the day it was a lot easier to find a primary care physician who would also act as an endo and do prescriptions for all my needed meds, whether related to the Diabetes or not. Nowadays, it’s harder to find an all in one, so to speak. (I’m out in WA state). Luckily, I only have to see my PCP once a year for an annual check in and therefore I see my endo on more of a regular basis for pump related things. They sure get nit-picky with those insurance codes!



Ditto here. I see my specialists for everything but minor matters and a physical - I used to get my flu shot from my PCP until I found I could get them at my pharmacy. I had a PCP many years ago that was really on top of things but had to change due to insurance. Frankly my previous one could and did handle some specialty stuff if necessary but they did prefer I see my endo (or whoever). That office was very high tech while my current one is not. I don’t know if it has to do with advances, coding etc. or the nature of my current PCP office is such, I really prefer to only see them for the simple things. With the exception of my eye doctor all of my specialists have offices at one hospital, which is immensely helpful.

Ohhh, I wasn’t even going to get into eye doctors on my prior post. I practically live in my retinal specialists office. Knock on wood that’s the only big complication I’ve had due to the diabetes - even having well controlled A1c’s all these years. I get my flu shot at my local Safeway! The guy who works in the pharmacy does a great job and I get a 10% coupon towards groceries, so at least I’m getting something out of it (besides the protection).