Diabetes Information---Where To Find It?

What web. sites do you visit--what books do you read--what videos do you watch-what blogs do you follow ?? I thought we could share where we find our d information.

They gave us the Pink panther books in the hospital. I am still trying to get through those. One is everything you have to know asap the other is more detailed and much thicker. So far that is it. I just google a lot of stuff I need to know read many sites and trust the most common info from each. If one place has something way out there that the others dont have I tend not to trust it.

Jessica,I have that book  too--UNDERSTANDING DIABETES--the pink panther one we have is the 10th edition-seems like we got the big book for parents and the smaller one for kids....I don't know where I put the smaller one now-if I find it I will see.It is full of information-takes time to go through it at first.Really good book -I am sure you have one that is updated. :)

Sites I Visit-Off the top of my head I think of----JDRF..Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation------Joslin Diabetes Center-----Tudiabetes.org------Children with diabetes--------A blog I read--A Parent's Diabetes Field Guide--BY Red Maxwell.... there are more I will think of I am sure....

The sites I visit are:

Joslin Diabetes Center  www.joslin.org

Insulin Pumpers  www.insulin-pumpers.org

Diabetes Mine  www.diabetesmine.com

diaTribe  www.diatribe.us

Tom  T1 for 67 years, so far

Tom.67 years with type1--When I read that it just makes me feel good inside.I want my daughter to do this well in life.It also makes me want to know how you have lived with d during this time.What are you doing that we can do too.Do you watch your diet-exercise-stay on top of your d care-Are you a positive thinker-?? If you have ever gotten off track-how did you turn that around ? Can we hear the stories anywhere from you and others who have done so well for many years ? I know I go on and on but I do stress and worry at times,then I read something like 67 years with type1 and I settle back down and think ok-we can do this too ! Thank you Tom for being on Juvenation !

[quote user="meme"]then I read something like 67 years with type1 and I settle back down and think ok-we can do this too ![/quote]

meme, I feel compelled to suggest that you really don't want your daughter to live for 67 years with diabetes! We would all be much better off if we could only have a cure! I do my best to keep myself alive until there is a cure. It might not benefit me personally, but I would get a great deal of satisfaction just to be able to see others get that benefit.

I will start a new thread to try and answer some of your questions, so as not to to interfere with the original purpose of this thread.


Thanks Tom-My wordings off-I do truly believe we are going to see a cure. I also believe before it gets here we are going to see some sharp high tech. things come about.These things will lead to better control with which will = better health.My concern is how to keep health at it's best till the cure gets here.How did you and others do so well for many years ? How do you keep in the positive everyday....Maybe it is best to just do and not think so much---that is where I get in trouble. :)

Aside from my own diabetes blog here are some others that I like:


TuDiabetes Blogs


The Ninjabetic's BAD Blog

A great web resource for parents is the Children with Diabetes website


~ Red

everything everyone else said plus:

dlife.com (its for T1 and T2)  i always read their newsletters in my email and watch the dlife TV segments

I read the following books: think like a pancreas and The secrets of living and loving with Diabetes
