New Diabetes Resource website

Hi everyone,

I just launched a new website called Its called The Diabetes Resource - Your ultimate guide to everything diabetes related. The name explains it all!

check it out and let me know what you think!



Hey Gina...just checked out your new site, really sweet!!!   i just wanted to say that maybe for people that go on it just to learn what diabetes is or something, to have the diifferent types of diabetes listed like T1, T2 etc. on the homepage or something with a link that tells them what it is and such...just a suggestion

[quote user="Gina"]

check it out and let me know what you think!


I only know a few zip codes, so it;s hard to tell where a resource is located, with only a zip code.


Gina,I like the idea of having everything d related in one place. I also like the idea of business advertisement- that way I can see what new products are out there.I hope this grows and more books and videos etc. are listed.Will there be a permanent link to this on Juvenation ?

Meme there is a link for juvenation under social networks. I am glad you like it!