Cross fit

Hit the wall today:

Five rounds of 10 105 lb push press and 20 kunges with a 45lb plate extended above head.

Followed that with three rounds of running at 15% incline at 6.5 mph for a minute then take two minutes off, three rounds.

Sounds better than the 140lb SBs!

I was in Boston last week for work (plus we had a blizzard here that crippled Baltimore) so no one, myself included, made it to the gym...except for those who lived a couple blocks away.

Last night I actually did the low bar back squats correctly...I had the bar so far down my shoulder blades were holding it up...but lo and behold, my form was awesome, and between my 2nd and 3rd sets, I added 10lbs (265) and the 3rd set was easier than the 2nd set that was at 255. I was excited about that. Did 3x5 @ 155lbs of press...not sure if I'm going to be able to get 160lbs on Thursday...nearly failed on the 5th rep of 3rd set.

Met Con was:

4 rounds:
250m row
10 DB push press @ 40lbs. Did it in 6:13...could have been faster probably, those push presses suck after rowing

...tonight our workout is

5x3 power cleans at 5lbs more than last time...I might go up 10lbs
2x as many as possible of pronated kipping pull ups

Met Con is "Annie"

50-40-30-20-10 of:

Double Unders
Sit Ups

needless to say, I'm not looking forward to Annie :-/

couldn't do double unders so i had to do "single unders" instead of 50-40-30-20-10 for the jump rope, i had to do 150-120-90-60-30

took me 10:16 to complete cause i can't jump rope to save my life

I suck at jumping rope also. Yesterday I did the following:

90 seconds jumping rope, 50 pushups, 50 lunges, 50 sit-ups, 90 seconds jumping rope, 40 pushups, 40 lunges, 40 sit-ups


then I did three rounds (21-16-9 reps) of burpees, kettleball swings, squats


finished with three rounds of tire flips and 40 meter runs.

Hitting it easier the next two days then a good fight gone bad on Monday.

I cross train Daily  I row on my Concept 2 rowing machine for one hour ( 600 calories) then I fast walk either downtown  or around the neighborhood  ( ( Too slippery to run outside now).  Three times per week I go to the gym and do my fast cardio routine for 1.5 hrs. I  have one of the leanest top performing bodies at East Bank Club in Chicago.  Can't understand why all those fatties can get insurance and  not super fit me!

We just got two Concept 2 rowers at the training center where I work. Looking forward to putting them to use.  I am trying to get there today to try  it out. I feel you on the discontent with heavy people. I find myself fed up with them easily after my diagnosis. I also get mad at them where I work. I work in a Federal prison and it really angers me that they get the same type of pay and benefits I do yet somehow I seem to respond to more incidents than many of them. To steal a quote from a friend and coworker, "I don't get tough guy differential".

Warmed up tonight jumping rope and getting about five minutes on the rower for the flrst time. Then did this little beauty that I got from a crossfit WOD generator.

three rounds of :

40 lunges, 30 kettelball swings (40 lbs), 20 pushups, 10 ball slams (30 lbs), and 5 pull ups.

[quote user="Jason"]

I suck at jumping rope also. Yesterday I did the following:

90 seconds jumping rope, 50 pushups, 50 lunges, 50 sit-ups, 90 seconds jumping rope, 40 pushups, 40 lunges, 40 sit-ups


then I did three rounds (21-16-9 reps) of burpees, kettleball swings, squats


finished with three rounds of tire flips and 40 meter runs.

Hitting it easier the next two days then a good fight gone bad on Monday.


love me some FGB...hurts so good


Did my first Fight Gone Bad tonight. I have seen a few variations on the web but here is what I did:

three rounds, one minute each exercise (wall ball/ 20 lbs/ 10 ft target, Sumo Deadlift High Pull/ 75 lbs, Box Jumps/ 24 inch box, Push Press/ 75 lbs, Rowing for calories) with one minute rest after each round. Found myself making odd noises during the very first ecercise and dry heaving during the very last. It was great in a sick sadistic way.

That sound intense and fun!

Our rugby practice starts tonight so I won't be able to make the CF classes til Friday night...They're going to start offering classes Tues/Thurs AM from 6-7am for the rugby guys so I'm looking forward to getting my lift on and smelling like sh!t at work. :)

Been doing low bar back squats (finally got the bar placement correct and now i have a huge bruise on my scapula) and have been making 10lb jumps each time rather than 5lbs...last night did 285 for 3x5 and had no trouble...form was the "best it's been" and it felt light! Press I failed last Thurs at 160lbs so took a 10% drop and did 145 yesterday for 3x5...3rd set was very easy...I tried thinking of things that upset me the past week or so and that weight flew up. :)

Did five rounds of 5 push press (135lbs) and 100 meter rows.

Then did an exercise of 10 reps of using 135lbs to roll like an ab roller into a clean and jerk

then did three rounds of floor wipers

then did five rounds of 100 meter row sprints.

Took very little time in between exercises.


Felt real good when it was done too.

Last Friday I did 1x5 of deadlift @ 335lbs and then 3 rounds of 10 chin ups unassisted.

metcon was

AMRAP 6 mins

6 handstand push ups
6 ring dips
2 bear crawls

got 4 2/3 + 1 bear crawl done...handstand pushups suck

Handsrand push-ups do suck, as do ring dips. Bear crawls aren't too bad but I hate crab walks.

I know bench isn't in crossfit but here is what I did today anyway:

1000 meters rowing

30 bench press (135 lbs)

1000 meters rowing

20 bench press (135 lbs)

1000 meters rowing

10 bench press (135 lbs)


Tomorrow I am doing my first Murph. Ought to be interesting.

When you'll talk about rowing you'll always talk about meters. You'll are  Type 1's and should be talking about calories/ hour.. We are tyrying to use up our glucose and learn how much is left  so that we can remain safe.

[quote user="S6730"]

When you'll talk about rowing you'll always talk about meters. You'll are  Type 1's and should be talking about calories/ hour.. We are tyrying to use up our glucose and learn how much is left  so that we can remain safe.


maybe if you're at a regular gym...

CF isn't for everyone. I'm not the only Type 1 who goes to the South Baltimore CF either. I could care less about calories burned unless that is part of the MetCon with us rowing since that's the only machine we have. I've made great physical gains as far as total strength, muscle mass, and overall health goes since I started at CF in December.

I started working out at 6am on Tues/Thurs this week because rugby practice is in the evening during both CF sessions.

5x3 power cleans @ 170lbs
2 x Max Reps strict pushups

MetCon - 3 rounds
10 "Manmakers"
50 double unders

Manmakers suck. 2 dumbbells, start in pushup position on them, do a row with one arm, a row with the other, get up, do a squat (legit below parallel), into a push press...that's 1 rep!

   Sounds like you must  be doing an extremely easy routine like the fat guys since  you are not worried about  your glucose level. I  found myself down to 44 after rowing for  1 hour. I did not feel  the  low level  since I have been Type 1 since 7. I have to be careful and now check myself  several times during the rowing if I had not eaten  just before my rowing or was very high  just before starting. .  Remember that aerobic exercise such as rowing , biking or running depleats your glucose and that anerobic exercise (weight training  and circuit training ) raises the level.

[quote user="S6730"]

   Sounds like you must  be doing an extremely easy routine like the fat guys since  you are not worried about  your glucose level.


Obvious Troll is obvious. We are here talking about our CrossFit training and progress...if you have other things to say that aren't related or to accuse someone of doing an "easy routine," you can post in another thread designed to specifically attack "fat guys." 

Having my glucose spike for an hour while I'm disconnected is nothing that cannot be remediated once I reconnect. I haven't had an A1C above 6.7 since I was diagnosed so yeah, I must not be taking care of myself...

But enough feeding the troll...

For Wednesdays we normally do a metcon...tonight's is:

1-1-1 box jump max height

2km row for time


What did you do yesterday, Jason?

WTG Pat!  Well put!

What you said makes no sense!  You must be having a wee bit too much of your Jameson's.  This will make a mess of your glucose!!  Get some exercise instead to get rid of your frustrations!