BD insulin syringes

My daughter uses 6MM 31 Gauge 3/10ml. They are whole unit syringes and I need the half units . Sometimes she needs 3.5 units of insulin because 4 may be too much. Are the 0.5 ml syringes the ones that have the half unit markings on the syringe?

Use the 30 unit syringe. It has 1/2 unit marks.

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Thank you! I’m calling her endo today. She uses the ones you suggested but I think the doctor forgot to put in the system 1/2 unit markings because walgreens gave me the whole units and the 30 units come in both

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Just reminiscing - not recommending - but when I took injections and had 1cc syringes but needed to take half units, I used to “eye it.” Some of us recall those days.

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Those same needles come with half units to the pharmacy may have given you the wrong box its happend to us before.

Hi again. Just wondering if you’ve considered using insulin pens? You dial your dose rather then drawing it from a bottle. I use a pump now but have pens for a backup or pump break - they’re much more convenient than syringes.

My daughter uses the novolog and lantus pen but I noticed a few years ago that the pen needles sometimes dont give her the entire dosage she needs being that she uses small dosages during the day so we use syringes and i draw the amount out of the pen

ndidi @stixxs512 it doesn’t make much difference whether the needle is screwed onto a pen, or onto a syringe, there will ALWAYS be some fluid / insulin in the needle after injection of a full dose. Just a law of mechanics.

The dose is measured in the barrel of the syringe, from the nul-point to depth of desired dose. There is always waste insulin in the needle hub and shaft after a dose.

correct priming is required when using a pen.

I understand that but after using a pen for over a year and priming it the way the doctors showed me using the syringes have made a complete difference in her numbers

“Pediatric syringes” are the name I have heard for the small dose syringes marked with ½ units. I get boxes of 100 BD brand insulin syringes, NDC/HRI # 08290-3284-40 • 328440. Mine are 8 mm long, not 6, 3/10 mL capacity, 31 gauge.

For years I “eyeballed” ½ units and never had problems. It is nice having marked syringes now. My doses are typically 1½ to 4½ units so I am familiar with taking low doses that my insulin sensitive body responds to.

Yes I’ve heard them called that as well. Her 1st doctor at initial diagnosis referred to them as pediatric syringes. My daughters endo called in the prescription so she’ll get them today. I have been eyeballing her half unit mark but dont really feel comfortable doing that. She typically needs small doses per meal and I just want to ensure shes getting the correct dosage.

I believe the 0.5 ml refers to syrings that hold 50 units of insulin. You could try checking the BD website or calling their customer service # for help, if your child’s endo can’t assist. Good luck

Yes and I’m just realizing that. I called BD and found the catalog number I need because the drugstore was adamant that BD doesnt make the type of syringes I’m talking about.

Ndidi @stixxs512 keep in mind that BG is not the only syringe manufacturer. I have been taking insulin in fraction unit measurement since the 1970’s. No problem.

do your research before asking your doctor to write a prescription - provide “Part Numbers” if necessary. True, many doctors know what is available, but your informed input would certainly avoid getting the wrong stuff.

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Being that my daughter is insured by both her father and I these brand of insulin syringes she uses are covered by both which saves us quite a lot of money monthly . This is the first time we’ve had such a hiccup with getting incorrect supplies . it wasnt the doctor but the pharmacy that was ordering incorrectly

I tend to avoid Walgreens, CVS and other big chain pharmacies for reasons like this. I prefer to use small local pharmacies where the pharmacist will talk to you as a person rather than a number. Generally the little guys will go out of their way to help. Every time I have to go to a CVS I have to count pills because they tend to short you

It’s interesting you said that because I’m considering switching pharmacies because walgreens has been giving me headaches left and right.

Just sharing: we had trouble getting the 30-unit, labeled in 1/2-unit increment syringes once, too — pharmacy’s fault, not the doctor’s — but we got it straightened out. I remember telling the person on the phone (mail-order pharmacy) that BD really DOES make 1/2-unit syringes (they were insisting they don’t) because I’m looking at a box in my cabinet right now. That was fun. Not.

Oh, and the time when my then-9 yr-old had to argue with the school nurse about how much insulin was in the syringe, because the nurse didn’t know how to read it with the half-unit markings! Thank goodness I was there (first day at a new school). The nurse was insisting (and wrong) and at 9, I have no doubt my daughter would have let the nurse give her the wrong dose rather than keep fighting.

I told them on the phone I was looking at the exact syringe on the BD website as we were speaking and still I was told no. Even the BD customer agent told me they didnt make them until I pulled up the catalog number online and told her the number and once she saw it she said omg you’re right she was apologetic. But the pharmacy weren’t apologetic even though they made the mistake . It’s very frustrating as a parent of a T1D child I dont think I know everything but when it comes to my child I research research research until I find an answer to what I dont know. when I’m met with disgruntled people who think they know more than me after they havent researched what I’m saying at all it’s very irritating.

@stixxs512 Thankfully my local pharmacy has always been very helpful. If yours isn’t it might be time to shop around, or explore getting items via mail order.