Does anyone know if the Humalog KwikPen or Apidra can only be drawn in FULL doses? My son (age 6) often only gets a .5 unit. Can that NOT be done with these pens? (They are both samples from the Dr. We have currently been using the Humalog Luxera, which CAN be done in half doses)
I have called his endo., but I'm sure I can get an answer much quicker from here, than from the DR.
For Humalog, you need to have the special pediatric ones for 1/2 unit doses. (I don't know if Apidra has pediatric ones out.) Is there a reason the endo switched you from the pen w/ 1/2 units? Maybe it was just an oversight...
I have been using a homalog pen for years and I just found out from a younger diabetic friend that pens can even do half units. Some pens do half, some one, and some even do two unit increments. I am pretty sure the half unit ones are really aimed for children becuase they tend to use less insulin. Also I am pretty sure kwikpen does not do half units. I have the original lispro injection and it does not either. I know novopen has one that does.
We used to use a Humalog pen for my son. It's a reusable one that you replace insulin cartridges in. It has 1/2 unit increments, BUT you can't give just 1/2 unit, the smallest amount you can deliver is 1 unit. That is one major reason we stopped using it. I was tired of taking the pen and syringes everywhere we went and having to pull 1/2 unit out of the pen. :(