Looking for Diabuddy in Dade or Broward County. Please message me back.
We’re in Broward - 2 T1Ds - adult & teen.
Hi Olga @olgamoran and Grace [& Mom] @GraceMurphy, you may also be able to meet other people living with TypeOne through one of the JDRF Chapters in your area. There are two Chapters near you and you can get contact information and events they are sponsoring by visiting the main JDRF webpage at https://www.jdrf.org/ and then clicking “JDRF near you” and entering your zipcode or “Broward”. I’m on the west Florida coast and here there is a very active Chapter which is sponsoring the TypeOneNation Summit on December 2, 2018; registration is now open, and it is free.
Thank you. We are involved in our local JDRF chapter and recently had a Type One Nation Summit here also. Our walk kick off is coming up also. Thanks again!
Have a nice day!