20-something new type 1?


I am new to the site and this group. I was diagnosed with type one in September of 2009 at age 24, am now 25. I have searched lots of places on the internet and have yet to find anyone close to my age who is also a new type 1. I've met a few people my age who have type 2 or have had type 1 since they were kids, but it's just not the same. It seems that everyone in this group is the parent of a new type 1, but I am hoping to find friendship in someone like myself. Anyone out there?

Hi, April!

First, I'm sorry you've been dealt this particular hand...I wish it were not part of any of our lives.  Second, you've found a great group here at Juvination...they've helped me through some of the toughest days of my life after our son's dx last May.  Third, please don't hesitate to reach out to the larger Juvenation community, because there are lots of young adults on the site.  If you haven't done so already, post an intro to the main forum...you're sure to get lots of wonderful folks responding.  Let us know how you're doing...

