Who do you leave your child with

I'm not sure if I'm posting in the right area as this is all new to me.  My daughter was just diagnosed on 12/7.  A day after she was released from the hospital, in my fog and lack of knowledge, I allowed her to go to a Girl Scout party.  Her leaders were aware of the situation but, none of them really know about T1 (as I apparently didn't either).  Any how, I left her there for 2 hours.  Before I dropped her off, she ate and her levels were good.  She did good there eating very little but still having fun with her peers. 

In after thought, I can't believe how dumb that was.  What if she dropped?  OMG - the things that could have happened.  So here is my realization - I have to be with her at all times unless there is another T1 parent there too.  My husband and I can not go on dates until we have another adult trained to care for her.  If she is invited to a sleepover, she can not go.  She can not attend birthday parties with out me there....is this what you all do?  How do you manage these types of situations.  All feedback would be welcome.  Thanks!
