my aunt checked my blood sugar Xmas my freshman year of highschool (5 years ago) my birthdays the day after... what a great present huh?!
just curious as to your answers...
my aunt checked my blood sugar Xmas my freshman year of highschool (5 years ago) my birthdays the day after... what a great present huh?!
just curious as to your answers...
i was sick for a couple months. we thought it was the flu that wouldn't end. turns out it was diabetes. diagnosed dec 23. merry christmas to me! (the greatest present a 5 year old could ask for...).
I started losing a lot of weight and drinking excessively. I kept getting sick too and could never figure out why. I got sick the friday before spring break, went to the doctor and they did a blood test. Diabetes. Had to go to the ER and chill in ICU for three days while they got me back on track. Then spent two more days in the hospital learning the ropes. So I spent spring break in the hospital. I mean I didn't miss out too much, I was only 13.
me too, joe! mine was christmas break though. 8 days in the hospital total... i don't know the split between ICU/normal. 3 and 5 maybe? what i remember about the ICU is that my parent's couldn't stay the night with me, so i refused to sleep. it's the first time i remember seeing the sun rise and also when i realized cartoons are NOT on tv 24 hours a day.
When I was 9 I got the flu and for a few months after I kept eating everything in sight but was loosing weight. I drank all the time. I constantly wet the bed. My grandfather said enough. I was taken to the doctors and I was in DKA. I don't remember them every telling me what my sugar was at diagnosis though. I was hospitalized for a week, and was pretty much in and out of the hospital for the next six years until I got my pump.
Hi Liz,
When, aug./08
How, that's funny. I was feeling tried, dehydrated, blurry vision, going to the bathroom a LOT!!LOL, nothing tasted sweet and I had lost 20 lbs in a week.
Was outside when a thought popped in my head "test your bs!!". My Mom is type 2, so I used her meter and it said HI,HI 600+. Trip to the hospital and boom, I am laying in a bed in ICU DKA. Now here is the freak of nature thing I was 52 years old. Weird huh?
Looked at your profile, so here's some extra info. I am the only type 1 in my family out hundreds, not kidding.
Hows the pump?
keith, i am also the only t1. i have a gigantic family as well. i have an uncle and a grammy with t2, but out of all my relatives, that's it.
I'm the only type 1 as well. I mean, as far as I know.
man you guys found out the tough way!!! i feel horrible, i had no symptoms at all, you'd think in a family FULL of diabetics someone would notice something was wrong. im so grateful i didn't have to be put in the hospital for days. i feel horrible for all of you BUT it could have been worse right???
Keith- the pumps going great sick the first day not sure why, i've been having a couple lows a day, which im not used to i only used to get low maybe once or twice a month. but other than that its great! i've needed alot of support and i havent met anyone with a pump so there discussions are great!! it took a little getting used to but i think itll only get better from here. hopefully. noone in my family has the pump and on my dads side, more than half are diabetic, out of 30 or so. we're all type one, none of us were diagnosed when we were little, so i guess it could be a good thing, but its a bad thing as well cuz most of us were teenagers or older and havent taken the step to change our ways of life.
diabetes sucks lol.
Yeah it was a fun experience. Doctor's said I was about three days away from a coma. Wonder what that would have been like. But yes, diabetes sucks it.
when i went in, my BS was too high for the meters to read, they told me i shoulda been in a coma a long time ago. its scarey and a hard adjustment thats for sure. i dont think i really took care of myself until a couple years ago. but its def. weird i've noticed a difference for sure, i feel more energized and i sleep so much better. ever notice that? go to bed with a high BS you sleep worse?
Yeah, I beat myself up for years. Still kind of do. I have noticed a change though. I certainly have more energy and my brain functions are much better now than when my sugars are off. They never told me what my sugars were when I went in. I am rather curious though since people seem to know theirs.
it seems like everyone including myself had really high sugars. my aunts meter was supposed to read up to 500 or 550 i think, and it still said high lol. maybe that can give you a good guess, along with everyone elses sugars.
happy vegan-
6 years?! wow ... i couldnt imagine. howcome that was?
[quote user="Liz"]
man you guys found out the tough way!!! i feel horrible, i had no symptoms at all, you'd think in a family FULL of diabetics someone would notice something was wrong. im so grateful i didn't have to be put in the hospital for days. i feel horrible for all of you BUT it could have been worse right???
Keith- the pumps going great sick the first day not sure why, i've been having a couple lows a day, which im not used to i only used to get low maybe once or twice a month. but other than that its great! i've needed alot of support and i havent met anyone with a pump so there discussions are great!! it took a little getting used to but i think itll only get better from here. hopefully. noone in my family has the pump and on my dads side, more than half are diabetic, out of 30 or so. we're all type one, none of us were diagnosed when we were little, so i guess it could be a good thing, but its a bad thing as well cuz most of us were teenagers or older and havent taken the step to change our ways of life.
diabetes sucks lol.
Well type 1 is autoimmune, I don't think any change could have stopped it.
[quote user="Liz"]
happy vegan-
6 years?! wow ... i couldnt imagine. howcome that was?
My body doesn't work well with long acting insulin. I would constantly go into DKA and have doctors accuse me of not taking my insulin but my main doc was cool and figured out I just wasn't getting what I needed from long acting insulin.
It was my freshman year of high school, almost 10 years ago. I started losing weight, which I attributed to playing more competetive sports. then it went from looking in shape to somewhat sickly thin, despite the massive amounts of food I was eating. I was also drinking tons of water, and needing to pee all the time, like multiple times overnight, which was a big chage for me. This probably lasted 2 monthsish, gradually getting worse and worse. My parents decided it might be some kind of electrolyte issue one weekend so they had me drink gatorade all the time instead of water, by sunday I was vomitting gatorade. Went to the doctor that monday morning and was practically diagnosed before they ran any of the tests. Because I had been so active (swimming for 2-3hrs everyday) my blood sugar was only 400s, so I wasnt put on any IVs or anything. Went to the hosptial for 3 days to get my sugars down and learn all that fun stuff we all learn.
I'd been feeling unwell for a couple months before I was finally diagnosed during the summer holidays nearly 20 years ago. I progressively became more tired, lost weight, and was experiencing very blurry vision. Thirsty seemed like an understatement. Then I started getting muscle cramps, and eventually started vomiting. When I saw a family practitioner - although not my own - he told mum and I that I merely had gastro. I deterioriated rapidly when I got home and my mum trundled me off to the hospital. My BGLs were above 40mmol/L (720mg/dL) and I was drifting in and out of consciousness. My potassium was through the floor so I was on a cardiac monitor. It flatlined when it's battery went flat, so that shocked a cpl nurses that were around at the time...hehe! I was in hospital for 10 days. It was a chaotic time as dad was overseas, in hospital, and we also experienced a death in our extended family. But we survived to tell the story =)
Apparently 13 is the lucky number...well maybe not so much? I was diagnosed when I was 13. I had been really dehydrated and losing weight for about a month. I was getting ready for my Bat mitzvah at the time, so we just figured it was stress. My mom said we would give it a little more time and if it didn't any better then she would take me to the doctor. The week before the ceremony I came down with what we thought was a small cold. I remember waking up that night and I made it to the top of the stairs. I looked down at the door to my parents room. My cat was pawing at the door trying to get in and I just remember wanting so badly for her to get their attention so they would open the door and see me, because I didn't have the energy to get down the stairs. Luckily, somehow my parents woke up and found me laying at the top of the stairs, at which point I got to spend five days in the hospital. On an up note, I got to postpone my Bat mitzvah for an extra month.
My story almost echoes Rosemary's to the letter. Freshman year of High School, I was on a weight loss kick, running, exercise and such, so I attributed the thirst and loss of weight to that. I got really sick on weekend so my parents kept me flushed with Gatorade and Ginger Ale. That's when I started to get really sick. No vomiting though. This was all right after Christmas Break. Near the tail end of the weekend we had a small family gathering at my grandparents house, which I was dragged to even though I was still not feeling great. When we were there my dad apparently decided to test my sugar, not sure what made him decide to do that, probably drinking and other stuff I was doing. He got a sugar over 500, bundled me up put me in the car, and we were off to the hospital. I started in one hospital and moved to another one, since the first was a small local place. I remember they had just gotten my sugar in control and told my dad if we wanted to stop for food on the way to the other hospital, it should not be a problem. We got McDonald's I devoured a large fry, got to the other hospital and my sugar was uber high again. Whoops.