When do you believe there will be a "cure" for Type 1? CURE-IOSITY?

I'm not sure why I'm introducing this discussion other than my "cure-iosity" about how each of my Juvenation friends feels.  You can think of this question / topic as something like the "consumer confidence index" as a piece of economic data.

So here's the question:

When do you BELIEVE there will be a "cure" for Type 1?

A. In the next month or so
B. Before the end of 2009
C. Within the next 3 years
D. Within the next 5 years
E. Within the next 10 years
F.  Probably not during my lifetime
G. Probably never - the drug companies are making too much money.

Be honest and feel free to comment.




For me, toss up between F and G.  F moreso because I don't want to seem too cynical but I would be remiss to think otherwise.


I don't think we can put a time limit, or necessarily estimate how soon we will get a cure. That being said, I would choose H: within my lifetime (sorry I had to go making my own option there). G, however, carries an interesting point. I'm curious if these sorts of companies are concious of the fact they are putting a price on diabetics' lives, or if its an automatic, robot sort of 'it's just my job' mentality.

Interesting post, however, and I like the pun :)

- Alyssa

My heart raced when I read this,that must mean I believe a cure is coming! In 2003,The doc said to us --you know this will be cured within the next 10 years. As a mom of a type 1,I might hold him to that!! I myself believe within the next 10 to 15 years it will happen !!!

Sigh, Joe. We've got to turn your mentality around. You don't always get what you want, but you do get what you expect. If you expect to live out the rest of your life a diabetic, you probably will. But if you expect to see this cure, and even go as far as to make some waves yourself to push for it, I also believe you will.

Paul,when do you think??

I know Paul is responding... (yes, I've been lurking) but he takes so stinkin' long he disappears off the members page :D He's like the Bermuda Triangle Poster :) (I'm just teasing, by the way)

Now that made me laugh!!! THANkS ALYSSA !!

It's OK, it's my job (Casey says I sound like his mom when I say that...?). And while we are referencing members, Janna says I'm funny "today" (hmph... "today" only apparentley), so it all works out :D

haha ok not just "today" its just especially noticeable today

Again I repeat: you mean my funny's showing? Yikes.

Alright, Paul, I'm done messin' with your post :D But please, do post Paul we are all waiiiiiiting to hear what you think, sir.

I feel I am obliged to submit an opinion to my own question.

That being said, I would choose C - Within the next 3 years.
I guess you could say that I pride myself on my "eternal optimism."

I DO follow the Type 1 clinical trials and research articles on
the web, and am impressed by the amount of research which
is being conducted all over the world.

If you go to www.sciencedirect.com and enter "Type 1 Diabetes Cure"
into the search criteria you will be presented with over 13,000
articles.  Here's the link:


The announcement THIS WEEK of Genentech buying a $350 million stake in a new
Type 1 diabetes drug is big news.  (Genentech is a wholly-owned subsidiary of
Roche Pharmaceuticals.)  In case you haven't seen it, here's the link:


The new drug is called BHT-3021.  Here's a synopsis of how it works:

BHT-3021 is a plasmid encoding proinsulin /pro·in·su·lin/ (-in´su-lin) a precursor of insulin, having low biologic activity designed to target specific pathogenic immune cells responsible for the autoimmune response in type 1 diabetic patients. The compound has shown efficacy in NOD mice, a model of type 1 diabetes. In the current phase I/II trial, patients receiving BHT-3021 demonstrated preservation of C-peptide and an acceptable safety profile. BHT-3021 is designed to induce antigen specific tolerance by selectively turning off the errant autoimmune response attacking the pancreas. This highly specific immunomodulation action could result in the preservation of pancreatic function and improved long term health in type 1 diabetic patients.

This sounds real good.  So, I'm optimistic.


Special recognition (no money) for anyone who knows what NOD Misc are WITHOUT LOOKING IT UP!


Nuns order doughnuts?

NOW THAT WAS WORTH WAITING FOR!! and under pressure too!! THANKS PAUL!!

Nope.  Come on Alyssa... don't you have any NOD mice running around your house?
Look under the table and feed the poor creature.  But make sure you count the carbs. (HINT)


I think he tunes us out; he didn't even mention the nuns in there, which I totally thought would have snagged his attention. :) At least he reappeared on the 'members' page though, which is a good sign that Paul is still alive n' kickin'.

What is non-obese diabetic Alex?

One letter at a time: d for diabetes/diabetic maybe?

Hm.... food.... N=nutrition/nutrients?

Wait - did Joe just solve it?!