I'm having all sorts of timing problems with my pharmacy (some caused by my doctor b/c they didn't put a high # testing/day--which I've since resolved) and it's a lot of money b/c I have crap insurance, so I'm wondering if it would be better to order online?
Let me know what you're doing and if it's working for you!
I have been a T1 for 34 years. Been a Looooong road!!! No curveballs so far... I get everything through the mail. Granted... depending on where you live and how good your mail system is... you have to give it enough time... I usually give them a week or so, but I think you can also get things rushed to you! Good Luck!
wal mart is pretty cheap when it comes to lancets, syringes and other basics like that. i use a website (not that i can remember the name if it) to get my supplies. i get 3 months worth of insulin for $150 from it. ill get back to you where i get my supplies