What are you doing for WDD?
I hadn't thought of it. Maybe I'll write a letter to my re elected congressman. Maybe I'll send an email to my address book as well.
Any other ideas?
I'll be wearing blue and wearing my WDD t-shirt from last year and my blue circle pin!
I am going to wear blue too. I wanted to light up my house in blue but i forget to buy the bulbs!
I am behind here, what is the significance of blue? What does it represent?
Pam the best thing you can do is go to www.worlddiabetesday.org it explains everything!
Wow. I am behind! I used to be up on all this diabetes stuff. Too busy trying to just keep my kids' bs under control. Next year I will be totally prepared. Blue lights are a great idea.
ha im there in the blue shirt all the way to the right!!!
I wore my blue Ride to Cure Diabetes 2008 t-shirt.
I posted links to juvenation.org ALL over diabetes groups on facebook.
I did some tweets (http://twitter.com) about WDD.
I added a "Happy World Diabetes Day" with a link to website on my g-talk status.
I think that's it.
cool i waas ther
I went to the WDD event in the ESPN Zone in New York city and it was AWSOME!!! U guys should definitely check it out next year!!
Matthew i didnt know you were going. Your mom needs to call me by the way tell her to ring me tomorrow when she gets a chance.
I went to work today and when I came home my dad made the house look like this!
i went to the world diabetes day event at the espn zone in NYC
Our neighborhood had its 10th annual gala benefitting JDRF on Nov 14th. It was lots of fun---lots of great silent auctions items and some really cool live auction items (like a puppy and a signed Hannah Montana guitar). It was definitely a party with a purpose!!!!!! (and I can't think of a better purpose than working to cure type 1 diabetes!) :-)
Well, I didn't really do anything for WDD, but for Diabetes month I am going to ask my sister, who's pretty popular on youtube, her account is PenguinsLovePurple to do a video on Diabetes Awareness Month.
My video No Need For Needles was the top 3 pick for the Young Voices: Life with Diabetes and showed in NYC during World Diabetes Day hosted by Discovery Health, Novo Nordisk etc. so that was really cool to be voted for as top 3 :)
You can see the video on my youtube page www.youtube.com/alliemitch09