What all do you have to go though to drive being a diabete

what do ypu have to do when you start driving when you are a diabete. I start driving in augest and want to know what i need to know before then and get what i need to get..

Just have snacks in the car, and test before hand.  If you are not between 90-199 do not drive.  Being high makes you slugish and makes your fine motor (ha ha, pun) skills crap.  Being low just sucks lol.

in order to go for my actual road test, i had to get a doctor's note saying i was in control of my diabetes and send it in like two months before i was actually going to take the test to get approved(they didn't tell me that part so i brought it when i went to take my test and had to go back two weeks later after a huge arguement my instructor had with them cuz they didn't tell me or my mom that and he had never heard of that before).


Before i actually drive depends on how far i will be driving, what time of day it is, what my day has been like etc. I never test before I get into the car, unless I've been having lows that day or recently had a low. I don't keep snacks in my car if I'm just driving around town. Anytime I will be driving on the highway for over an hour, I bring food in the car anyways. I've had to stop on 3hour long drives up island and let my boyfriend(who didnt have a vaild license..thank god we didnt get pulled over) take over driving the other half of it cuz even tho my bloodsugar was fine when i tested before we left, and i ate..and was eating in the car..the drive made my bloodsugar drop.


for the first little while, put some non-parishable snacks in the glove comparment, that's what i did at first to keep my mom happy.

if you do get into a car accident, they do take into account your diabetes and if it's a major accident, apparently they need to know what your bloodsugar is to determine if that was why you caused the accident....apparently. i've had a few incidents, but personally have never even been asked about my diabetes.


its pretty much like anything. just watch how your body is feeling.

My diabetes educators suggested to always test before beginning to drive, and if I'm below 90 to take 15 grams of carbs, wait 5 minutes, then drive (even if you don't think your low, it's still worth it incase you aren't sensing it for whatever reason. It's a good piece of mind because you don't just have to worry about yourself when driving). I haven't thought about delaying driving when I'm high before, but that sounds like a good point Ian. 

i didn't have to do anything special. just driver's ed 1 year of permit and a test and i got my license in Feb

Make sure you tell the desk person at the MVA that you're diabetic. They gave me forms for my cde to fill out.

[quote user="Amanda"]

Make sure you tell the desk person at the MVA that you're diabetic. They gave me forms for my cde to fill out.


talk to them about being able to just get a note from your doctor though. it was gonna cost me $100 to get my family doctor to fill out the forms, and I was gonna have to get them re-done every 4years! my mom asked if we could just get a note from him saying my diabetes is under control and i have no complications, etc and they said yes(then the mix up came cuz the person didnt tell us we had to hand it in PRIOR to going to take my road test so they could approve it..). Saved me $100 and when I've lost my license and had to go back to get it, they just confirm with me there that nothing has changed..once the girl almost gave me forms to get filled out but i told her about the note, and she looked deeper in my file and so i didn't have to!

Where do you guys live?  I never heard anything about having to get a doctor's note or anything because of being diabetic.  I was able to get my license with no problems. 

As for the actual driving, definitely test if you have to before going on a trip and always have food with you.  Don't be afraid to pull over if you feel as if you need to test or eat something..also, glucose tablets work better than juice especially in the summer.  I had an incident where the juice got so hot from sitting in the car that it exploded..not a very fun situation.

Good luck with getting your license!

One "word": Ahh.
I'm afraid to drive. Kudos to Casey for facing it so soon... I may be avoiding it...

Yes have a doctors note. In fact, go in and ask if there is a paper that you have to have your doctor fill out- I think that is what I had to do.

getting your licance isn't hard. the worst part is that in Ohio they make you turn in a yearly health update from your doc AND you have to get a yearly vision eye exam by the testing center BMV- all right due on your birthday. >> I hate it... right now my license is suspended because I didn't turn in my papers on time because I was trying hard to graduate again graduation was the same day as my birthday.... some birthday present! I'm not sure if they think i will just suddenly go blind in a year and that is why i need the exam EVERY year... but ya.

good luck

[quote user="stilledlife"]

Yes have a doctors note. In fact, go in and ask if there is a paper that you have to have your doctor fill out- I think that is what I had to do.



did you have to pay for your doctor to fill out the form? the good thing about the note, is that most doctors will do it for free..mine just did it on a prescription pad!

but yeah check with the department on any special things you need to do.


[quote user="Brian"]

Where do you guys live?  I never heard anything about having to get a doctor's note or anything because of being diabetic.  I was able to get my license with no problems. 



canada. i had to prove that i have no complications and my blood sugar is under control..so that i'm not a "danger" to others behind the wheel.


well i live in Ohio. that would be bad if the jucie exploted.

yea thanks for all the help keep sending lots of things on driving so i can start in august thanks agean every one.

I live in New York and I have never heard of getting a doctors note either? Why would you have to tell the DMV you have diabetes? Is this a requirement by your states?


Wow... I never did anything. Not sure if it is just because my doctor never told me or if being in NJ things are different. Like Brian said, I just went and took the test and moved on and drove off the lot with my license in hand. I mean it could be a state thing or if you never raise the issue I wonder if it matters... I mean if you were to go your states DMV website I am sure they might have something to let you know what needs to be done.

Or you can always call your doctor and see what they have to stay. I mean they would know and should know the answer to the questions you may have.

Here are the ohio laws
They are confusing as ////


You know what, call up the BMV, ask them if there is a law stating that you MUST answer if you have a disability. (What ever you do don’t give your name, just ask the question.) If i had done this 7 years ago- I may be a happier person now.
Also call the American Diabetes Association- they can probably answer the question too.

Yeh, here is Australia we have the same rules. When you apply for your licence you have to provide a form that says your in good control and not a danger behind the wheel. Then every time you renew your licence you need a new form.

[quote user="stilledlife"]You know what, call up the BMV, ask them if there is a law stating that you MUST answer if you have a disability. (What ever you do don't give your name, just ask the question.) If i had done this 7 years ago- I may be a happier person now. Also call the American Diabetes Association- they can probably answer the question too.



Agreed..that's probably the best way of going about it.  It seems like every state has different laws, so it's best to call first to make sure you know the specifics for where you live.  As far as I know NJ has nothing like that and until now I didn't think anywhere else did either.  I guess you learn something new every day!