
So, once again, yesterday I had to stop in the middle of something I was doing (fixing and filling bird feeders) in order to treat a low. Not the end of the world by any means, but it just hit me in that way it sometimes will. Could I be able to do a stupid house chore without this kind of interruption? I live in Minnesota so I am fantasizing about spring and summer house and yard projects, but now I’ve got this irritating knowledge that since I never know how hard or long these things are, I can never predict how my blood sugar will react.

OK thanks for reading if you did.

31 years, 5 months Type 1

I think I can feel what you experienced on Sunday @CaspersFriend - frustration. Actually, I know I could be there in your place as I’ve been in that situation so many times over the past 60 years.

Although at this point I have, well have ALMOST stopped letting it bother me and accept that our T1 “treasure” is somewhat beyond what we can control. That said, I do think that with some of the tools now available that we can very well control T1. What do I do in these situations?

If I’m thinking straight when I sense that I’m going low - true, still too often I ignore that “low feeling” telling myself it is my imagination - I take the meter off my hip, check BGL and eat one of the 17 gram carb granola bars I have in my meter holster, if I am below range. I didn’t get to this point on my own, my wife helped - we have been married for only 50 years - by reminding me that I have good management but that out-of-range incidents occur because diabetes has a mind of its own.

My advice, just be wise, do the best that you are able, take a deep breath [and needed carbs] and move ahead.

Ugh… totally hear you. Sometimes having diabetes just sucks. And I don’t think acknowledging the really crummy parts and yes, venting about those crummy parts when you need to, is necessarily a bad thing. Diabetes is unpredictable at best (unexpected lows, pod failures, pump alarms going off during work or social events and having to explain (again) diabetes and its management, never getting to JUST EAT ANYTHING, oh wait, now I am venting…) but you get through it. Don’t let it take away the things you love to do. Eat a snack, go outside, enjoy your garden, bring (another) snack and, when your BG returns to a state in which you can think rationally, enjoy sitting outside in your beautiful garden watching the birds.

If it gets to the point of using legalese, which hopefully it will not, tell your employer in writing you are requesting a reasonable accommodation of an adjusted start time. You can say it will be temporary until your body adjusts to your work schedule. Be prepared to back it with a note from your doctor stating it is a necessity, and for how long, and revealing your condition.

Yes, you are declaring yourself disabled under the law (in the USA, the ADA), which some diabetics are loathe to do. But you are disabled under the law and you can request a reasonable accommodation including an adjusted start time.

Look at your employers ADA policy and leave time policy. Your employer may contain a form for you and/or your doctor to complete and turn in.

Good luck.

Im only 19 and have been diabetic for 9 years. Growing up I always had chores and yard work to do that would cause lows. I found it best to have a high protein snack before doing something that could potentially cause a low. My go-to snacks are peanut butter or cheese. My doctor also recommended subtracting one unit of insulin from the meal closest to the activity if you knew when your were going to do it and if it was close enough to the meal that you wouldn’t want to snack beforehand. Hope this helps!