Tonight, my friend killed himself. He had been doing drugs for 7 years and 1 month. His parents died when he was very very young. I tried to help tonight but he let go and he fell. I lost a very dear friend to drugs and he killed himself. im hurt and thingking not good things. what do i do?
Hey Charlie, let me start off by saying im truly sorry for your loss. Now im not going to act like i know what your going through, cause i dont, this has never happen to me personally. ut by being in Law Enforcement i have seen this before and i have tried to help families. What exactly do you mean by, "thinking not good things"?
pain, and pain, and more pain. i have no idea what to do except think o fpain and pleasure.
Charlie, I'm so sorry about your friend. I hate it when people say "Oh, I know how you feel" because usually they don't. I don't know what exactly you are feeling but I would recommend talking to another one of your friends that you can share your feelings with and will understand. Also, if you want to talk about anything, I'm here. Find someone who knows you well and whom you can trust and just let out your emotions to them.
Best of luck,
me too. i've tried that Katie. no one can understand. i dont knwo what to do im so lost.
Well again i am sorry that i cant relate to what you are going through...but as katie to friends, people you love..keeping your emotions all boxed up is the worse thing you can do...if need be talk to a grief counselor...
i've tried all those i just feel so much more depressed.
I have to ask...sorry if it offends you at all but im just asking from what ive learned from situations as this...your not feeling like your going to hurt yourself are you??
What about listening to non-depressing music? Or watching a comedy or something insanely innocence and happy? Maybe trying to avoid thinking about your friend is best for you right now.
[quote user="Jeff"]
I have to ask...sorry if it offends you at all but im just asking from what ive learned from situations as this...your not feeling like your going to hurt yourself are you??
i havent wanted to hurt myself this bad for 2 years.
[quote user="Katie"]
What about listening to non-depressing music? Or watching a comedy or something insanely innocence and happy? Maybe trying to avoid thinking about your friend is best for you right now.
because i only listen to a certain type of music, which is maily depressing. moms go tthe tv. idk theres nothign to do idk ill just. uh dont want to hurt may not want to hear this but its a real foolish thing to do, you dont help yourself and you hurt others something that you really like to singing or sure where ever you live they have a number you can call thats 24 hours to talk to someone
[quote user="Jeff"] dont want to hurt may not want to hear this but its a real foolish thing to do, you dont help yourself and you hurt others something that you really like to singing or sure where ever you live they have a number you can call thats 24 hours to talk to someone
i know that hurting myself will hurt others but how can just 1 hurt someone else. everythign there is to do that you mentioned im doing not helping
First and foremost I am so sorry to hear about your friend. Can you talk to your parents about how you are feeling? If not a parent someone like a teacher, guidance counselor or someone you can trust? I am really worried about you and know that you are going through so many emotions right now, but please know there are people here for you, and we want to help you through this tough time.
There are many people that can help you heal through this kind of pain, but you have to tell an adult. Please tell someone how you feel. If you can't tell someone you know I can give you numbers of people you can call anonymously.
Yes Charlie as Gina said these places to call are there to only help you through this time, not to look at you differently or judge you. You can call ANY time day or night regardless of time. And im not telling you all of this as someone who works for the Police but as someone who really is there to help.
Thank You Gina. I just need some time to think and figure some things out. talking to someone has not helped so far. so that ideas a no go
[quote user="Jeff"]
Yes Charlie as Gina said these places to call are there to only help you through this time, not to look at you differently or judge you. You can call ANY time day or night regardless of time. And im not telling you all of this as someone who works for the Police but as someone who really is there to help.
Police? hmm how do they help?
Charlie... I am sending positive thoughts your way. I don't know how it feels, or what you're going through exactly, but I hope that you can find something/someone to help you through this. We're all here to listen if you want to talk.
Police can do a lot of to you and relate, try to relate..give you numbers to a professional grieving counselor..bring you to someone to talk to...some departments offer somethig called mobile crisis which is a police officer and a nurse who come to you and talk to you
Unfortunately I do know what you're going through. The pain and the fear and the anger are completely overwhelming. They enevelop you in a darkness you don't see a way out of. It's okay to feel these things. Allowing yourself to feel this way is all right. There will be light again. Your friend has been taken away from you, and it doesn't seem right or fair. While you might not be able to see a way out now, remember you have been here before and you survived. It will be so hard and so difficult, but you will find a way to live again and move on and remember your friend and the good times. Take the time to grieve and to learn from your friend. There will be better times.
Talk to us if you need to stay occupied.