Thinking of everyone I have lost

Grief if very difficult no matter how someone you love passes.  We all have different ways of coping.  I am very thankful to everyone here that has listened to me and helped me through.  I am doing volunteer work now and it has shown me that this is my best way to deal with grief.  I think this is my true calling.....

Hi Kathie,

Grief is the price we pay for loving so much.  And as that old cliche goes, "it is better to have loved and lost than to have never loved at all".   I am glad that you find volunteer work so rewarding.  Sometimes it takes people with grief to develop the strong passion that produces action and inspires others.   You go girl!!

What type of volunteer work are u doing? I think that would help me cope with my lose too....I am already walking in my local JDRF walk.

I do a little bit of everything.  Just recently I have started sewing pillowcases for a group called Konker Cancer.  They give pillowcases to kids in the hospital for chemotherapy.  I try to make a difference with not only diabetes but with the whole world.  There is a lot of suffering out there and if I can help then I will!