The struggles

Hey everyone. I came here to create connections with everyone and talk about what we have experienced and what we need to express. Ive was diagnosed at 8 and ive almost had it for 6 years. New years eve. how lucky am i with that timing?anyway i want to hear everyones stories and feelings toward it. have a great day everyone!

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Evelyn, welcome to Type One Nation. I am a 20+ year Dexcom and pump user. I currently use a Tandem Control-IQ (CIQ) integrated pump. The journey is different for each of us and it is perplexing. I have a story about how crazy D can be.

Years ago, before BIQ & CIQ, when I was on a basic pump and an earlier Dexcom 7, I ate supper out three evenings in a row. Same place, same food, after work conference. Calculated carbs entered into pump the same dose when food placed on table and ended up with 3 different outcomes. One high, 1 low, and 1 on target were the results 2-3 hours after the meal.

My wife and I were majorly befuddled and asked our endo’s nurse CDE pump trainer what happened. With restaurants doing portion control, etc, the carbs should have been the same, right? The CDE responded the situation was a SWAG. My wife & I gave her a quizzical look to which she responded, “Scientific Wise Ass Guess”. She further explained there is not explanation.

I hope this helps you see you can do everything right and things will still go haywire.

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that means a lot to hear, seems like everything i do right something goes wrong eventually. Thank you for sharing that

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@EvieFire Hi Evelyn, welcome to the TypeOneNation Forum!

On this site you will see many, many stories about how Members have managed diabetes in ways that have allowed long, fully active and involved living. By reading Topics you can find at the bottom of this page or what you may find with the “Search” tool at top you may find tips that will inspire and help you.

Personally, I’m enjoying living actively my seventh decade with diabetes - I’ve participated in [been a victim of] many experimental diabetes innovations - a few of which have helped millions of people with diabetes enjoy life. My days with diabetes began when a “SIMPLE” blood sugar test took two DAYS to get an approximate reading. Right now, I enjoy the ease of an almost fully-automated insulin infusion pump and continuous glucose awareness - called Control IQ - or CIQ.

Enjoy your time on this Forum, ask questions and more importantly share your diabetes experience. Some things you read here may not help you - every body is different, but there are many management techniques share here that work more effectively than what was written in medical textbooks a few years ago. Learning is an on-going, life long experience. One thing I’ve learned is that diabetes continuously changes so my management techniques need to be flexible - yes, some days my BG can soar way-high and in other days I find myself needing to eat constantly - my wife has told me on these days to just go with it and make tomorrow better.


your wife must be very wise. I wish i was given so much of tips and advice when i was newly diagnosed. but no one in my town or family member had it. no one knew much to nothing. all i had was me to learn myself from it. from today on i can probably give the best advice anyone could ever receive, but i wish i knew it then. I turned it against me and let it take over me and not be friends with it. now I dont know who I am and I grew up to fast than anyone i possibly could know. Sometimes I dont even feel like a person, just numb and a machine


Evelyn @EvieFire you are right on with this thought - and keep observing how YOUR body performs and reacts. Share your observations with your attending diabetologist and you may help others as you refine diabetes care. It is not unusual that no one else around you has TypeOne - only about 10% of newly diagnosed have first-degree relative with TypeOne. It was several years after my diagnosis that I met someone else with diabetes. If you talk with people who have lived with diabetes for 50, 60, 80 years one item that sticks out is that each found the best method to live, medical textbooks didn’t do the trick.

Also like you, after the first couple of years I ignored my diabetes and stopped going to doctors or even getting blood-sugar tests by going to a hospital lab - took a couple of days for results. After years of total neglect, causing me “problems” still evident, that very “Wise” woman to whom you refer stepped in and as a wedding present [55 years next month] made an appointment for me with the Medical Director of the Joslin Clinic - the worlds leading center for diabetes research and treatment which opened in 1898, decades before insulin. As they say, after a slow learning and motivational period, the rest is history.

I understand. I find it cool though how everyones body creates its own “alarms” for us to know what is happening to our body. Right now mine is developing a new one. I can tell if I have keytones if my urine temperature is hot

also that wise woman, Your one lucky guy,