Tandem t slim paired to Dexcom app question

Has anyone else experienced this?

I’m no longer receiving low alerts on my Dexcom app when I dip to 70 or lower. And the same goes for when I drop below 55.

My little tandem pump make a little polite beep but my Dexcom app just sits still. No noise, no vibrating…nothing!

I’ve checked my phone, I’ve checked tandem settings, I’ve checked Dexcom volume settings and nothing. I’ve even been on the phone with Dexcom when this has occurred and they have admitted not hearing any alarms going off. Still, nothing is getting fixed…
What’s the next step? I’m at a complete loss, here…

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A friend of mine who recently changed to Tandem/Dex had this problem. It was settings, but I don’t know the details. If you use Facebook, consider joining the Tandem T-Slim X2 Users group. Facebook groups can be very helpful. Good luck!

Thanks for the hot tip!

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Once my son started using his G6 with his tSlim X2, we occasionally had problems with his iPhone and the Dexcom app. I spoke with tech support for both companies and here’s what I took away from the conversations:

The pump is the primary receiver and (for us) has been the most reliable for connectivity. This is especially the case for kids since they may leave their phone lying about, while their pump is attached to them.

The Dexcom app on the phone is considered an auxiliary device and convenient but not necessary for the system to function. Basically, because the CGM is part of the pump system, it’s software functionality is hijacked by Tandem.

Things Dexcom has suggested for improved connectivity: keep the iOS updates current, perform a “soft reset” by holding the power and home buttons down simultaneously until the phone restarts, then restart the Dexcom app and give it time to find the connection again. Obviously, check the settings to make sure the alarms are on and set up for your preferences.

Fingers crossed :crossed_fingers:t3: that everything is working for you already. Best wishes.

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