Resources to share

Hello! I’m hoping to share a few T1D resources that have helped me. Some I’ve known about a while; others are brand new (to me). I hope one or more resonate with you, and please chime in with your favorite resources. I appreciate you!

School of Diabetes: Allison Nimlos lives with T1D, and she is the Instructor & Coach. She offers a holistic perspective to diabetes management. I registered for a 4-week series on Diabetes Burnout; a 4-week series on Pattern Management; and a single class on Diabetes & Relationships. All are flexible (attendance is real-time or recordings) and online.

Type One Diabetes Dietitian: Like Alison, Amanda also lives with T1D. Her mission is to learn how to manage blood sugars while enjoying the foods we love. She focuses on choices, options, flexibility, and balance. She offers 1-on-1 coaching.

The Diabetes Psychologist: Mark also lives the T1D. He hosts a weekly podcast that is specific to T1D (new episodes release on Thursdays). Some episodes share his support & ideas; some interview other PWD & their services; and still others take a Q&A format. He is a clinical psychologist.

Covid-19 Best Evidence Front Door: This vetted search interface was developed by health information professionals in MIchigan. It brings together research from trusted, credible resources. It is secondary evidence, and the summaries include reviews/syntheses, meta-analyses, and clinical guidelines. I tried a keyword search for “diabetes,” and also one for “mask.”

I’ve lived with T1D over 30 years, and I’m always learning!