Pumps and Metal Detectors

Do they set them off? Is it bad for the pump to go through one?  Any info would be helpful. Thanks!

It's been a long time since I was on a pump, but way back in 2004, it wasn't a problem at all. I always showed it to the security people first just in case, but the airport screeners seemed familiar enough not to be worried in the least.

do you remember if the metal detector got set off when you went through? 

I never take mine off and it's a rarity if it sets of the alarms.  On high alert days I have noticed that airports seem to turn up the sensitivity of the machines.  I just tell them it's an insulin pump or just pull my shirt over it and scoot right through.  They see them all the time now so it's no big deal.  I'd rather go through that then send it through the x-ray machine.

i went to springfield on a class trip last school year and i was worried about the same thing!! i just told the security guard people that i had diabetes and was on an insulin pump and they knew exactly what i was talking about and they were totally fine with it!! i went through a ton of them and my pump was fine!! 

Hi Greg,

Back in the day when I had a minimed 504 (I thin it was a 504) it would set alarms off all the time. Haven't had it happen once yet with my Medtronic Pardigm 712.

[quote user="Greg Borkman"]

do you remember if the metal detector got set off when you went through? 


I had a cosmo, I think, It never did.

the reason i ask is that my job will take me through a metal detector each day starting sunday sooooo i dont want it to set it off every day :-/

(im working at Six Flags as a costume character fyi)

OMG! You'll have to keep us updated! I have a very funny mental image of some huge character setting off the metal detector every morning. I'm sure you'll be fine and have fun, but that gave me a laugh. (:

haha that's funny, I had this job prior to getting a pump but that was in 2006 soooo times have changed since then...i have a pump now.  I think Sylvester was the best designed character because you can actually see out the eyes haha

i set off metal detectors all the time. highly embarrassing. i don't think (though i'm not positive) it will harm anything as long as it's not for an extended period of time.... i don't know why you'd be in a metal detector for a long time...

target and hy-vee (grocery store) are the 2 places i ALWAYS set alarms off.

yep everytime i go throught ohare air port in chicago i get wanded its a pain but when i was younger i got beeped in metal detectors all the time so now we just request it and save the people from the trouble.

O'Hare...greatest airport in the world

My daughter wears the Animas Ping and we had one issue traveling this summer with the belt clip.  As long as she slipped the pump in her pocket and put the clip in her carry on she was good.  Still would love the definitive answer on whether insulin can go on the conveyor belt/xray machine?  ADA site said no.  Airport security chick emphatically said it was fine.  Insulin seemed to be okay afterwards.


[quote user="msf02"]

Still would love the definitive answer on whether insulin can go on the conveyor belt/xray machine?  ADA site said no.  Airport security chick emphatically said it was fine.  Insulin seemed to be okay afterwards.



Huh! I've always sent my insulin through and never noticed a problem traveling...

[quote user="msf02"]

My daughter wears the Animas Ping and we had one issue traveling this summer with the belt clip.  As long as she slipped the pump in her pocket and put the clip in her carry on she was good.  Still would love the definitive answer on whether insulin can go on the conveyor belt/xray machine?  ADA site said no.  Airport security chick emphatically said it was fine.  Insulin seemed to be okay afterwards.



I would think insulin could go through the all seeing eye machine...the thing that can't go through those is your daughter's pump.

I've never set a metal detector off and I have beeped from being wanded when going to Summerfest but they didn't care. What character are you going to be? You're working at Great America right? I'm hoping to get down there before the end of summer but we'll see.

Good to know about the pump not going through the xray machine.  Probably never came up because the pump is on Becca's body... and she rarely rides the xray machine in airports:)

i've only been to the airport once with a pump (i don't get to fly around too often), but i had a "doctor's note" (basically a written prescription) for the insulin pump that said "do not remove from the body." i had no troubles with security or anything. it set off the alarm, but they wanded it and said it was ok.

[quote user="msf02"]

Good to know about the pump not going through the xray machine.  Probably never came up because the pump is on Becca's body... and she rarely rides the xray machine in airports:)




As for the character, I'm not sure yet...I'll keep you posted though (in the past I've been bugs bunny, sylvester, foghorn, scooby doo, shaggy.)