Animas on Board. . . Planes!

I love to travel and mr and my family usually travel by plane. Last year when my brother had his pump. He was afraid it would beep so he took it off with it in his hand. He then was padded down because it did end up beeping. I am pretty sure that what is causing the beeping to go off is the metal clip. So does anyone no if taking it off during security will prevent beeping. Or any tips that you have for getting through security. I just really want to avoid being pat down.

Travel and Recreation Questions: All Pumps

Can I go through the metal detector at the airport with my pump?

Yes, the walk-through and the wand are OK. However, the pump cannot be exposed to X-rays. For more information about traveling with the pump, go to our articles section.

I'm not sure if taking the clip off would prevent the metal detector from going off but it's worth a shot.

you can disconnect and suspend, then hand your pump to one of the security people. Just make sure to tell them why you are doing it and that it's an insulin pump, so that they know to not confiscate it..

I did not beep when I flew this past weekend, even with the metal clip. Does he use a Dexcom CGM? Those set of metal detectors for me sometimes..

How does xray hurt the pump?

I've flown countless times and the best way to avoid a pat down as a diabetic is to detach pump and put it in your carry on.  Don't say a word to secruity and you won't have any problems.

Any time I've worn pump or explained it to security, it's sent me straight to the pat down/pull everything out of my bag security check.  

Honestly I don't even travel with my pump anymore. I would rather go back onto shots (yes, burning Lantus and all) than continually get practically strip-searched in the middle of airports. It may not be a big deal to some people, but I'm a teenage girl, I would rather die. Usually, I put a fake set onto my mom and suspend the pump because she doesn't mind getting patted down. Also, every time I've flown, with or without my metal clip, I've set off the metal detector. Now, I've heard some people say that theirs never sets off the sensor. I have no idea why, but they got the good pumps :)

I have never been searched or even patted down at the airport... I've only been on the pump since January, but I have flown twice since then. They have just done a swab of the pump to ensure it didn't have radioactive residue on it.

I have been stopped, patted down, wanded, and had all my luggage gone through 2 or my 4 times on a plane. I told them each time, before I even started the process, I am diabetic, I have a pump, I have a note from my Doctor alerting you that I am on a pump that is not to be removed at any time and they STILL put me through embarrassment and annoyance. Finally I asked one of the security EXACTLY what I need to do to prevent this in the future. And if I remember correctly they said to tell them and to hold it in my hand while I walk through so that they can see it. I didn't have any problems that time. Can't say it will be the same in the future. They still manage to treat us like we are concealing somthing. : /

I have the same problem - I am always getting patted down at the airports since I've started pumping; when I was on shots, I never had any issues with my bag being searched. I hate that there is no way to avoid this issue - or is there? I was told by Animas that it is detrimental if I let the pump go through the x-ray machine but it's really annoying to get searched every time I go through the detector.

My animas set off the metal detectors without my clip, but i think it's kind of the luck of the draw depending on how sensitive the machines are. I'm not sure exactly how X-Rays hurt the pump, but it has specific guidelines about it in the manual and you're not supposed to send them through the X-Ray machine. Depending on the type of full body scanner they can supposedly be okay going through those, but you're going to get patted down anyways, so you might as well skip it just to be safe. I've never had them look through my bags, and i've noticed that if you keep it in your pocket or hidden under a dress, they don't get as worried. When i had it showing they kept telling me to put it with my luggage, which i couldn't do because that has X-rays and then they get all worried. but if you go through set it off, and then tell them you have an insulin pump they just check it for explosives and pat down that area, at least that's been my experience, but i think every airport is a little differetn. I'm with you on it being annoying. I'm going to D.C. in the spring and I can just imagine what fun that will be with all of the security everywhere =P. Last time I went I was on a minimed pump and that never set off the metal detectors, which i guess is because they are encased in plastic and the animas has more metal?? that's what it said online. Anybody been to D.C. lately and have any advice?

I have travelled twice on a plane since getting my pump.  I take a doctor's note and let the agents know and show them that I am wearing a pump.  I explain that the pump CANNOT go through the xray machine or body scanner but I can pass through the metal detector.  THey always pull me over to do an extensive search of my carry on with all my supplies and they do a hand check with a wand for my loaner pump that I take with me but they have never given me an issue with my pump attached to me.  

The pump should not go through the xray or scanner and it seems like not everyone knows this fact.  My older brother is on the same Mimimed pump as me and never knew this.  It could cause issues with your pump and if so I am told you will notice a problem shortly thereafter.  Since the device cost $7,000 I do not want to take a chance.  Good luck...BTW, I travel with my son who is also a diabetic and you can't imagine how much diabetic supplies I have to take with when we go away for several's crazy!!!