I have been on the Minimed pump for several years now and my endo recently told me that I need to start rotating my infusion sites more (suggesting the legs) but every time I put it in my leg I rip it out when changing or in my sleep (just today I ripped it out at the gym). Does anyone have any suggestions for influsion set placement/locations that might be less likely to get ripped out?
Have you tried your hips, and your lower back - kind of where the "love handle" is? Both spots have worked well for me and don't get in the way as much.
I'm no expert, but.......... Your infusion sets shouldn't rip out that easily, unless you're trying to get dressed at a supersonic speed! You should technically be able to let your pump dangle from the site (not pull on it though) and it'll stay in place. Also, have you ever thought of using the longer tubing length? That would give you more slack,,, It could however also prove to be a pain in the ____ (insert word here!) because of the extra tubing that could get snagged on doorknobs, etc.
As a particularly fuzzy guy (see picture in my profile), it is tough to find places sans fuzz where the pump will stick. I've been using my "love handles" and plan on using only them until I get told that I need to start putting it someone else. At this point, it's not possible to put it anywhere else. Legs are all muscle and I can't imagine that would feel comfortable. Some people put their site on their butt, but well yeah...sweat/fuzz etc, probably TMI. I don't think I have a lot of options as far as site rotation goes. As far as small of my back...see aforementioned fuzz and muscle. :(
Have you tried using IV tape? I have some IV 3000 tape that I put over my site whenever I'm concerned something like that might happen. It works well for me, and you should be able to order it from Minimed. Good luck!
I'm an insulin pump trainer on the pump for the last 16 years. Your could try using a piece of IV 3000 or Tegaderm dressing (clear, thin, tape) over your infusion set...it won't get pulled off. You would want to disconnect, cut a hole in the tape, and place it over the infusion site, allowing you to still reconnect and disconnect as needed. Hope that helps!
I've been using my "love handles" and plan on using only them until I get told that I need to start putting it someone else.
^^that cracked me up, pat. funny mental image.
i don't use my legs or my butt anymore because i pulled them out all the time too. my fingers get looped around the tubing whenever i'm pulling my pants up or down and out comes the site. i rotate all over stomach and sides (8-10 different sites) so it's a good month before i ever approach the same site again. i go high (just beneath the braline) way out to the sides (almost to my back) and low (close to where my legs meet my hips) and everywhere in between that's not too close to my belly button. in those places i don't pull it out and it feels relatively safe. i have plenty of "surface area" of my belly, so it's not hard for me to rotate. i'm plenty squishy.