Changing infusion sites?

Lately I've been thinking on changing infusion sets, but not sure to which one? I'm currently using the Quick Inserter 6mm ,not sure if its only me but sometimes it hurts a lot more then other times. I use an ice pack to kind of num the insertion site, but sometimes it hurts a lot! and other times I dont even feel it. I also been wanting to change the sites on where I put it, since I've only been using my stomach and my abdomen I know I can insert in on my thighs, arms or even on my back, but I'm terrified!! I think its because I have only been inserting in on my stomach that I've gotten comfortable wearing it there. Also its because I'am thin and really dont have much body fat. This came to my decision of changing to a more less pain infusion set that will work for me. Do you guys ave any helpful ideas on which infusion sites I can use. It will be great to get feed back from other fellow pump users that have gone through this same situation. Thanks!! depends..why/when does it hurt? When you're inserting the needle? Or after the fact?

I suggest rotating more. I find that, generally speaking, if it hurts, it's because there's too much resistance and there's too much resistance because the area's been overused. Try your butt. That's my new fav.

I just recently started having problems with some high blood sugars for no reason and after some adjustments and using some new sites it resolved. I've only had a pump since April and was using mostly my abdomen. Now i'm using my back and butt. The butt doesn't hurt at all soi that's great the only problem i have is forgetting its there and catching my pants on it when i'm taking them off.

Daisy- it looks like you've had a lot of problems with infusion sites bleeding and hurting.  I also have very little fat on my body.  I have NEVER been able to use my stomach for an infusion site without having it hurt, bleed, bruise, etc.  Even at this point using 6mm canulas (I hate the angled sets) my legs also give me problems because there is too much muscle and too little fat.

I only use my butt at this point (up towards the "hip" area).  Have your CDE or someone show you.  I have a lot of success this way.  No matter where you inject them, after years you will always have a bruise somewhere, etc. but it doesn't always have to hurt.  Shifting your sites is key too.  I go left to right, etc. and always find a spot furthest from my last infusion site on that side.

Can I ask how you put the site on your buttocks? Do you do it yourself.? I do not think I could reach around. I to have been pumping over 14 years. My stomach is scared up. I am scared to put it in my thigh. When I did shots I did them in my thighs I do not know why I am scared to do this.