

I wondered what everyone thought about psychological care and support within diabetes care. I have had type 1 for the past 15 years, having been diagnosed at the age of 5. It has been a difficult few years with multiple hospital stays and a rather unsupporting family and social network! As diabetes can be so demanding physically and emotionally I wonder if anyone thinks there should be some kind of psychologist as part of the diabetes team? Or if anyone has one whether htye find it useful?


Thanks for any feedback!



I'm sorry you haven't been able to get the support you need.  I'm thankful that my parents and fiance have a good understanding of type 1 and that I have a good endo.

Having a shrink to talk to might help, but since they specialize more on the mental side of things, they may not comprehend the specifics of type 1 diabetes care as well as some other folks do.  I'm not sure of a good way to ensure finding a shrink who would have a good understanding of those particular issues, either.  : /

i wish i could talk to a psychologist... but it costs money soo... 


but yea, i agree, it should be part of your diabetes care team!!

Hi Orange,

I have just found a brand new support team which consists of a GP who is passionate about diabetes. His Clinic consists of educators, foot specialists and a psychologist.. Its a one stop shop. LOL. I definately think emotional support is a requirement.

Stef :)

When i was first diagnosed i went to a hospital where there was a whole like d system, where you would see psychologists, and then a doctor, etc. I know that, that help really helped my mom when i was first diagnosed.. i was only 2, so i was a little unaware of everything/don't remember everything..!



It was really interesting that you say your mum was helped greatly by the team - I think my family suffered a lot from a lack of psychological and emotional support. Having a single parent family my brother often got left at the back - not intentionally but just because it wass only my mum there to support me, and as you I was diagnosed young at about 4/5. Too young to understand!


Thanks for your feedback!



An array of feelings, such as anger, confusion, denial, depression, fear, frustration, and guilt are common and normal, but often make people feel as if they are on an emotional rollercoaster, especially when it comes with living with Type I diabetes. Regardless if you or your loved one was just recently diagnosed or have been living with the disease for some time now, you will experience an array of emotions. Trying to have a sense of normalcy, while simultaneously adjusting to the daily demands of diabetes management can be difficult. Coming to terms with these demands, as well as the emotional challenges can be an overwhelming experience for all – child, parents, and siblings, as well as extended family and friends. If not confronted and addressed, these emotions can often lead to feelings of being overwhelmed, defeated, hopeless, and helpless. It is not uncommon for people living diabetes to experience symptoms of depression and /or anxiety. Having someone available , such as a social worker, counselor, or psychologist, to help address these psychosocial concerns is so important! They can help addres specific and unique emotional, social, and psychological needs and concerns. Our diabetes team is fortunate to have 2 full-time social workers work specifically with our patients and their families. They meet with all patients and families at diagnosis and follow patients on an outpatient basis. They provide supportive counseling, education, referrals for community resources, and ensure that the patient's and family's basis needs are being met. Having someone to talk to, whether its about diabetes or just something else that is going on in your life, can help you cope with unpleasant emotions and challenges.