I don't understand why, with all the technological advances, and all the vocalization concerning diabetes and depression more is not done. I have asked my endo, who opened a large diabetes center a few years ago, and was told that nothing was really available for me. It makes me SO ANGRY that I have been screaming for help for years, and I no one is really willing to help.
To start at the beginning, when I was young, I used to lie about my blood sugars. All my doctor and my parents wanted was for me to have good blood sugars. My doctor yelled at me if they were bad. So I would make them up, or adjust them so that they were pretty good. They were then completely incongruous with my A1C, but no one really said anything about that. My parents would tell me how proud they were that I was taking care of myself and doing something that was so difficult. But the truth is, all I wanted to do was get really sick so I could go to the hospital and have someone else take care of me for a while.
I remember a time once when I saw the book "Diabetes for dummies" and I opened to a page that talked about diabetes and depression. I showed the page to my mom and she looked at it, said "mmhhmm" and kept walking. I was devastated. When I would cry or get upset, I was told that I should be happy I didn't have cancer. I wasn't really allowed to feel sorry for myself, and no one seemed to care if I struggled or not.
Don't get me wrong, my parents loved me and wanted what was best, they just had no idea what was really happening, and I, being stubborn, refused to tell them.
I've gotten a little better since then. I know that my health is more important than a couple numbers. I am on antidepressants, and they help. Some. However, in my area, there are no support groups, no one that specializes in they psychological side of diabetes. I only have an endo that is forever trying to get my numbers down, and a diabetes nurse who tells me how to use my pump (which I already know). I'm trying to live my life, but am having difficulty because I can't seem to get control of the beast of diabetes.
Ryan, I too hope you are able to obtain your goals. While Type 1 diabetics are the minority, we are still people and we have the right to receive proper care.