Picture of my little man

I just added a picture of my son in his new "Diabetic Moms make the Sweetest Kids" t-shirt under my files in my profile. Thanks to whoever mentioned this shirt (from Cafe Press) on here ... I can't remember who is was. Love it!!

He is so adorable! The shirt is so cute!

OMG! hes so cute! I love the shirt!

I have to have that shirt for my little guy too!  It's perfect.  So cute.

I can't find the tshirt on Cafe Press. Anyone happen to have a link?

Your kid is adorable. Awesome shirt. :)

[quote user="Kristen"]

I can't find the tshirt on Cafe Press. Anyone happen to have a link?


Thanks guys. (:

Here's the link ... http://shop.cafepress.com/design/11504363

He is sooooo cute !!!

I just added a pic of my little man in his brand new tshirt!  Check out the pic under my files, in my profile.

they almost look like they could be brothers with their matching shirts and blonde hair!! you both have such beautiful sons!

What a cutie! He looks just like you from what I can see from your picture. (:

Kristen,He is sooooooo cute too !! You made me smile --Thanks for sharing his picture !!